There are several prophetic events during this year and the year to come that Holy Spirit has revealed to me. Some I have released and many others I have not been freed to release yet publicly. On May 21st of 2020 while in prayer the Lord showed me concerning a diabolical plot by the Iranian regime. The Spirit of the Lord revealed to me that Iran was conspiring to smuggle it’s long range ballistic missiles into Venezuela. This would be an attempt to place Miami and the US mainland within range of an Iranian strike. I immediately went and researched the maximum range of Iran’s farthest reaching BM and it’s maximum range was the exact distance that Miami is from the Northern Coast of Venezuela. The Lord revealed that this plot began with cargo vessels that were slipping into Venezuela back in May and when first revealed to me, I began to share it with my intercessors and several prophetic voices in my life. Today- I was stunned when I heard a news report come across my television the the United States today had accused Iran of this very thing and threatened to destroy any Iranian missiles inside Venezuela. In January of 2020, I also prophesied.. “For behold Iran Iran - I will break your bow. For you have sought to destroy what belongs to me and I have awaited with longsuffering. For you have declared death upon my people and now behold the cup of your iniquity is full. For I will pour you out and bring your regime low. I have indeed heard the cries of those made fatherless and the widows and I am jealous for them. I have heard the cry of your people and I will have have them. For by my Spirit I will blow upon. For I am God and beside me is no other and I will establish the throne of David upon which my Son sits. And by the Spirit of Truth I will move. For behold I come quickly. For the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be glorified.”
RUth Bader Ginsburg & The Hand of The Lord
🚨Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died- Prophetic Alert🚨
In April of this year I released this prophetic word given to me in a vision of this very event, of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. - (It was posted previously in April on this site)
Here is the excerpt of the prophetic word of the Lord..
“Just as when King Uzziah died and a new glimpse of my glory was revealed- so also shall a notable individual with influence will soon pass and when they do it shall be a sign. A sign of a great shift in season, for when you see this sign know that a fresh outpouring and revelation of my glory shall be revealed in the earth. All of Egypt shall know that I AM the LORD-“ Make no mistake what we are experiencing now is not simply what you see. There is a rending in the heavens and great warfare has filled the second heaven. What we are experiencing now is the earth and weather patterns as they prophesy. It is now upon us that the earth is responding while the physical realm manifests that which is expanding in the womb of the spirit. Part of a prophetic word I released on January 12, 2020 concerning this year was this... “For with various calamities shall the people be troubled. Unusual quaking and eruptions and weather patterns. Behold the earth is groaning but fear not for I am with thee and I shall work a work in these days if it were told you, you would not believe it. This is the season of dethronement. I will shake those things that can be shaken so that which cannot be shaken shall remain. For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth like the waters the sea and my name will be glorified. For I will pour out of myself upon my people and the gentiles shall be my inheritance.” an excerpt of a prophetic word I released in January of 2019 testified again to Wall Street and this current crisis..”There is calamity coming to America. There will be an increase in natural disasters,(specifically the tremoring in the earth) the stock market is going to travail.”
#RBG #ruthbaderginsburg #SCOTUS #Prophecy
The Law of Diminishing Returns & NetFLIX
I pray that this wakes many up- but the real issue here isn’t even NetFlix. It’s the law of diminishing returns-
This kind of filth has been slipped in like leaven into the very fabric of our nation and yes even into the church.
Over the last 2 decades it has begun to crescendo into now an avalanche of debauchery and a depraved conscience.
Pulpits have been silent for fear of being labeled ‘political’ when in reality they are just cowards. Instead of righteousness, a large segment of the ‘modern’ church has laid their heads in the very lap of Delilah. And Samson, ‘they don’t even realize the Spirit of the Lord has departed from them’. We have bought the lie of the demonic realm. The lie of tolerance and compromise.
The law of diminishing returns is known all too well by any addict. What use to get you ‘high’ or achieve the desired level of euphoria now doesn’t do the job. Now you need more....and then more....and then more.
The leaven of sexual filth vomited from the bowels of hell upon this generation has come along these lines.
We stood silent and said nothing when they slipped more and more perversion into ‘Television Programs’ (why do you think it’s called a ‘Program’ anyway) little by little. They slipped the ‘funny’ BFF homosexual into TV- then Satan sat and watched while ‘professing’ Christians sat and laughed while watching this garbage.
He knew it then it was time to turn it up a notch after the desensitizing was into full effect.
Next came same sex marriage and the lie that, you know....’you just can’t help who you love’. Then came more silence....
The life coach pulpits and their social conditioning ‘talks’. (They don’t even call them sermons any longer) (I suppose that’s good because they certainly aren’t oracles from God). They began affirming perversity all in the name of inclusion. The sin of Balam was now in full effect.
So the enemy moves on with more leaven and next came the transgender issue. (Well it’s actually a demon spirit) But like Sodom and Gommorah that wasn’t enough and like the days of Noah is isn’t enough. The law of diminishing returns is now in high gear. So in places like California demonized politicians are now passing legislation to lessen the criminal offenses to pedophilia.
Emboldened by America’s appetite for destruction and a backsliden church, companies like ‘Netflix’ are eager to do Hell’s bidding.
Christians (well at least that’s what they call themselves) at alarming levels willingly pump into their eyes and ears filthy music, perverse television and listen to pulpits with zero anointing and no chance of their apostate lifestyles being convicted. You know, after all....’that message is just too ‘old fashioned’, it’s just ‘not redemptive enough’’s a common one from backsliden preachers.... ‘it’s too sin conscious’.
No’s called conviction! Pain to your body is what conviction is to your spirit.
The very reason this nation is in the shape it’s in is that we have a preacher problem. We need prophets to arise that will speak righteousness into government. That will not be afraid to challenge a decayed moral compass. Those that will not be afraid to address issues labeled ‘political’. Don’t you understand that’s the very reason the devil loves to label things like ‘abortion’ as political. So that limp wristed preachers will stay away from it.
America has never been in more need of revival- and I am determined to see it. This is the generation of Elijahs to arise that will confront Ahab and Jezebel. This is the generation of Gideons to arise that will leave the cowering behind and slay the midianites.
Now is the time to arise and take our homes back- take our pulpits backs- take our cities back- take our nation back.
Big-Pharma & Covid Truth
Never is this more relevant than today…I wrote a book in 2017 titled ‘Rise and Be Healed’ in chapter 9 which I titled ‘Medicated Mindset’ I wrote the following…
“A recent Pew Research poll determined that in 2012, the pharmaceutical industry spent more than $27 billion on drug promotion and advertising. With more than $24 billion directed directly to physicians and $3 billion towards advertising mainly through television a perfect storm is brewing.
The pharmaceutical conglomerate based on this poll spends more than national GDP of 103 nations. Let that sink in…
With most of this being targeted directly towards your healthcare professionals.”
No wonder, we live in a nation where they propagate a pill for everything. No wonder, big Pharma has such a hold on the medical industry. No wonder Doctors are so quick to write a prescription or endorse a poorly tested vaccine. Why?
Because they have a financial incentive to do so. Doctors on the other hand get very little training in areas such as nutrition. Why???? Well, you guessed it… Because the financial compensation for advocating a truly healthy lifestyle isn’t as lucrative as prescribing a life time of medication or medical procedures against your health insurance.
This is a textbook example of why the big Pharma industry and much of the mainstream medical community along with their handlers in the media so vehemently oppose treating Covid-19 with something like hydroxychloroquine. In the case of hydroxychloroquine, this is a drug that has been around for over 50 years. It has multiple generic competitors and is produced for almost nothing. I’ll not even get into the fact that many clinical trials have proven that it is an affordable and effective treatment for coronavirus.
However, affordable is not what big-Pharma is interested in. The entire medical industry and the pharmaceutical conglomerate stands to rake in trillions of dollars off of the R&D, patents, and distribution of a supposed vaccine. A vaccine that will be poorly vetted and in many case tested to detrimental effect upon poor and indigenous populations in places like Africa. In these places, despotic regimes will sell out their people in an effort to get a financial cut of the testing of such a live vaccine on their unsuspecting population. So the more the industry and media can provoke the masses to fear and panic, the more anxiety they can drive them to. This puts a large segment of the population in a position to blindly accept and line up for whatever comes down the pike.
What To Do When you don’t See a Harvest
Process and Product Some fruit require a longer ‘time’ in the process stage before they can be considered ‘product’. If the farmer were to bypass this God given process of ‘ripening’ and pick the fruit early if could be disastrous. The fruit may not taste as God intended and in some cases could even make you sick. Process and Product in the Kingdom function much in the same manner. Often those in ‘process’ if not careful can grow impatient. A spirit of comparison then sets in and the individual opens the door to possibly short circuiting their ‘ripening’ or ‘process’ stage. The truth is, is that ‘process’ is often uncomfortable. It doesn’t feel good. It can be scary and believe me, it will stretch you! Don’t allow yourself to fall into comparison towards those who have endured process. Walk out the season where you are. The same God of the product is also the God of the process. Don’t despise the process. Trust God. The very fact you are in a process is a prophecy to the purpose and a destiny on your life. -Consider bamboo- There is a type of Chinese bamboo that when first planted produces nothing visible for the first 4 years... Can you imagine the frustration? Checking your seed every day for 4 years and seeing nothing.. However, while nothing was growing visibly for the first 4 years there was something growing deep below the surface during that time. When the bamboo seed hits its 5th year, a miracle happens, it begins to grow exponentially and by the end of that year can tower over 90 feet tall! Wow!!! You took 4 years of process to build a root system that would properly support the growth that was destined to come in year 5. What many of you are going through right now is a Supernatural process that will prepare you for the exponential growth God has destined for you in the near future. Don’t short circuit that process through fear, doubt and comparison. Trust God where you are and walk out your calling wherever you are. As you are faithful to do that, God will give the increase.
How To Be Led By The Spirit- The Secret To Praying In Tongues
When you constantly allow yourself to be led by what you see, hear and feel, you will find yourself handcuffed to fear unable to break into the blessing of true Spirit filled living.
If you truly want to see the power of God operate in your life, you must be totally submitted to being led by the Holy Spirit. You must be determined to walk by faith and not by sight.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Stop governing your life by what you see in the natural realm. Don’t be moved by what you see, be moved only by what you believe.
Understand this…that the supernatural realm-the unseen spiritual realm, is even more real than the temporal natural realm you observe and live in every day. In the Kingdom of God, the supernatural should be natural.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Faith is not just a verb, it’s a noun. Faith is a substance. It is the literal evidence of that which is unseen.
So while walking in, by and of faith we understand that true faith doesn’t create. True faith reaches from the natural realm into the unseen realm and accesses what already exists in the heavens.
Unfortunately, so many christians never fully walk in the full potential that Christ provided for them. They live a life trapped by the philosophies of men and bound by a system of fear.
Many times I'm asked after I return from an international crusade. "Why does it seem that more miracles happen in places like Africa.."
The answer to this has nothing to do with geographical boundaries. The power of God is not bound by geopolitical boundaries.
God is only bound by your ability to believe Him.
In America it has become too convenient to not have to trust God.
I often reply to those asking this question, in Africa they have the 'Great Commission' - In America we have the 'Great Prescription'
If you want to truly access the supernatural power of God. You must learn to hunger for the word of God. Spend time in prayer. Turn everything else off and get in turn with Holy Spirit.
“I want to talk with the utmost frankness and say to you, that tongues have been the making of my ministry. It is that peculiar communication with God when God reveals to my soul the truth I utter to you day by day in the ministry. Many times, I climb out of bed, take my pencil and pad, and jot down the beautiful things of God, the wonderful things of God that He talks out in my spirit and reveals to my heart.” John G. Lake
John Lake was one of greatest generals of faith and power to walk in the body of Christ in centuries.
This was a man who operated in the miracle working power of God so strongly that during an outbreak of plague in Africa he held a handful of infected vomit to prove that the virus would die on contact with his hand.
As he held the specimen up before the doctor, the medical professional couldn’t believe what he was seeing!
The doctor would record that the very plague did indeed die instantly upon contact with John’s body.
The anointing that Brother Lake walked in was directly proportionate to his determination to pray fervently in the Holy Ghost on a daily basis.
When I prepare to preach, as is my custom I usually fast for three days prior to the meetings. However, I make specific effort to pray extendedly in the Holy Spirit. Often for hours during the day I will pray in tongues. This is truly the secret to walking in the power of God.
If you have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Ghost. This is promised to all believers who will seek it.
This is one of the greatest keys to walking in the supernatural.
The key to your breakthrough is directly tied to your ability to pray fervently in the Holy Ghost.
Portals and Pentecost
I feel the breath of Pentecost…
Never before have I been more prophetically moved in anticipation of what we are about to step into at Shavuot this year. There is a significant moving in the second heaven in this season. As we have stepped out of a most kairos Passover and are now in the season of counting the Omer. This is the time to purify your heart, your conscience, your motives, your vision, your associations and every area of your life. This is the time to be moved with expectancy- While the world is reeling in panic and fear. God is calling a remnant to walk in power and demonstration. This year during Pentecost, the Father has put angelic forces on assignment and a great portal is being opened in the earth. Everything in this season will be focused on harvest- If your vision, your focus, your purpose has not been on the harvest. Now is the time to align yourself with heaven-
We are about to step through a portal and experience the greatest revelation of the glory of God ever poured out upon this planet.
the sHaking (A prophetic Call)
“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7
Make no mistake what we are experiencing now is not simply what you see. There is a rending in the heavens and great warfare has filled the second heaven. What we are experiencing now is the earth and weather patterns as they prophesy. It is now upon us that the earth is responding while the physical realm manifests that which is expanding in the womb of the spirit.
Saturday while in prayer the Spirit of the Lord reveled unto me that
‘Just as when King Uzziah died and a new glimpse of my glory was revealed- so also shall a notable individual with influence will soon pass and when they do it shall be a sign. A sign of a great shift in season, for when you see this sign know that a fresh outpouring and revelation of my glory shall be revealed in the earth. All of Egypt shall know that I AM the LORD-“
Part of a prophetic word I released on January 12, 2020 concerning this year was this...
“For with various calamities shall the people be troubled. Unusual quaking and eruptions and weather patterns. Behold the earth is groaning but fear not for I am with thee and I shall work a work in these days if it were told you, you would not believe it. This is the season of dethronement. I will shake those things that can be shaken so that which cannot be shaken shall remain. For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth like the waters the sea and my name will be glorified. For I will pour out of myself upon my people and the gentiles shall be my inheritance.”
an excerpt of a prophetic word I released in January of 2019 testified again to Wall Street and this current crisis..”There is calamity coming to America. There will be an increase in natural disasters,(specifically the tremoring in the earth) the stock market is going to travail.” Chad MacDonald
The blood is your border
“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you...” Exodus 12:13
The word translated ‘token’ here is actually from a Hebrew word which means ‘argument’- In fact scripture tell us that the blood of Jesus ‘speaks’ not spoke, but ‘speaks’ (it has never ceased to be silent on your behalf) better things than the blood of Abel. Blood has a voice- but here in the above passage we see that the blood of the Passover Lamb would be an ‘argument’ on Israel’s behalf as the angel of death was passing by. When the plague was about to visit every house, God promised that those who sheltered beneath the blood of the Passover lamb would be spared. The blood became an argument on behalf of the Hebrew people. And that argument announced to the plague that is must ‘Passover’ So if the blood of a Passover lamb was able to cause the plague to miss the Jewish people, how much more powerful is the eternal shed blood of the Lord Jesus our messiah who is the true Passover lamb. How much more powerful then does His blood speak as it makes an argument on our behalf and commands then this ‘plague’ to Passover our house. The blood is your border!
—Chad MacDonald
#coronavirus #wuhanvirus #powerintheblood #faithoverfear
CoronaVirus & Birth Pains of Revival
Often what we see in the natural realm is but a birth pain to what is actually going on in the unseen realm. In truth-it is the unseen realm that is more true and enduring. Yet with most, their senses are dull and they can only comprehend that which they can see.
In January of 2019, I released a prophetic word, (which can be viewed on my website) in that word- I prophesied a great move of God that would be accompanied by a calamity coming to America and along with that, the stock market would travail. It was then around Oct of 2019 that once again the Spirit revealed to me (which I did not feel cleared to release at that time) of an unusual disease or virus about to come upon the scene that would be confusing to many, especially the medical field.
As I write this now it seems the entire nation and most of the world are reeling in fear and panic as these things have begun to come to pass and we are now in the midst of this ‘Wuhan/Coronavirus’ pandemic.
However, what is truly at play here is the manifestation in the spirit realm of great warfare the by-product of malevolent forces clashing with the Host of Heaven.
This is what must be discerned in the spirit realm. This nation and the rest of the world is on the brink and even in the midst of the greatest move of God ever to have kissed the face of this planet. Make no mistake- all of hell opposes this. They can sense the shift in the second heaven and have retaliated. Fear has gripped the hearts of men- pestilence has been unleashed and panic has crashed world markets.
With every real and substantial revival that has ever been poured out upon planet earth, it has often come during a period of unrest and tribulation in the natural realm. Warfare and revolution accompanied the first great awakening. The civil war courted the second great awakening, accompanied by great tribulation. During Azusa, the nation once again was coming out of the Spanish American war and the recent assassination of President McKinley. WWI would soon follow with the Spanish influenza. It was the great stock market crash of 1929 followed by the Great Depression and WWII that served as the incubator to the massive Voice of Healing outpouring.
It is not that God sends the calamity but rather it is a demonic manifestation of resistance and protest against the Kingdom of God invading the earth. It is however, that the Lord will indeed use and allow these circumstances to put a hook in the jaw of a hard hearted and rebellious humanity. In the midst of these trials the Holy Spirit will convince mankind of his futility and hopelessness outside of a relationship with Jesus Christ. In these times, Yahweh will draw men unto Himself as humanity realizes that they can do nothing without God.
This move that we are upon will be marked by a massive influx of souls and a mighty demonstration of the power of God. There is a season upon us now , of supernatural signs and wonders wrought by the hands of a nazirite generation declaring like the women at the well ‘Come see a this not the Christ’
Recently my wife had a prophetic dream:
She was in Ireland on a mission trip. In the dream she was accompanied by a group of people, men and women from various nationalities.They were at an airport and were being held up with passport issues and then were finally permitted to leave. Then the dream scene changed and they were at a house and someone came up to her and said ‘Do you know who those people are your with...they are not good people’
Jen responded...’I don’t care what they’ve done in the past. They are born again and their past is deleted. It’s under the blood of Jesus now’ Then she walked away from that individual who was clearly uncomfortable with the background of the new believers.
She then noticed that people were gathering at a window and looking out. They were looking over at the neighbors house (who was a believer in Christ) this neighbor had turned her pool red symbolizing the blood of Jesus. Now everyone was gathering and converging at the neighbors house to see this sight and the neighbor was eagerly inviting people over to see it. When my wife got over there she noticed many people around the pool and they seemingly were upset. They were upset because a young girl who was disabled was near the pool and the people were trying to prevent her from going near it. They claimed she would be hurt.
Aggrieved at the people’s complaints my wife spoke up and said ‘she will be fine. She just needs someone to ‘hold her hand’
Then the scene changed to a dark parking lot and a person to her side collapsed. She recognized that the person was dead and they were covered by debris. Immediately she then started rebuking death and told the unbelieving people to leave and compelled the remaining ones to pray. She continued to speak life and rebuke death and the the woman who collapsed opened her eyes and was alive again.
Often my wife will dream prophetically and I will get the interpretation by the Spirit of the Lord. Here is the interpretation I believe.
The mission trip represents the call of God and mission to reach the world. The different nationalities represents the influx of every people and kindred. The passport issue represents the enemies attempt to stop it but will fail to stop it.
Then the scene with the person criticizing the background of the people represents the religious people who are made uncomfortable by the dramatic conversions of those with ‘horrible backgrounds’
I believe this dream may speak to a move of God coming into the earth now. A move that will be marked by an intense missions movement into all the world and it will be marked by dramatic conversions of people that you would never think could be saved. This will ruffle the feathers of the religious.
I also believe it speaks to a turn towards organic Christianity where neighbors are crying out ‘come see a man’ this symbolizes the pool being turned to the blood of Jesus and then invites everyone over. I believe that neighborhood and organic evangelism is going to be key.
The religious folk however still showed up at the pool and were trying to keep the disabled girl from it.
This move will also be marked with dramatic signs and wonders which speaks to the dead being raised in public.
In summary let me encourage you that this current epidemic of both pandemic and fear will not prevail. The hand of the Lord will be established. The church like Isaiah 60 thunders, will ‘arise and shine’ and the glory of the Lord will be seen upon it. Though darkness covers the earth and deep darkness the people, the glory of the Lord Most High will be seem upon the church.
As I observe what is going on in the physical realm, I am comforted by the fact that the Lord is our portion and this is but a sign of revival.
Now is the time for the church to arise. To preach-to pray-to prophesy- to point hurting and helpless humanity to the cross of Jesus Christ. This is our finest hour. Now is not the time to shrink back. Now is the time to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Now is the time to cast out demons, set the captives free and raise the dead.
The answer to a scared world is a church endued with power from on High. In fact the crisis doesn’t reduce the need for your oil- it reveals it.
-Chad MacDonald
Whats on The Inside of You
As I survey the landscape of much of the church and the nation as a whole, it seems that panic and fear has paralyzed many. How is this possible, I ask myself. While I cannot blame those outside of the church for giving into pandemonium and panic. There is an indictment surely to be levied against those who claim to possess the truth of the gospel. The greatest threat to the body of Christ and even our nation, is not the #Wuhan or #Coronavirus. The greatest threat comes from nominal Christianity. We live in an era when vast segments of supposed believers don’t even know the word of God. If asked, they probably couldn’t even name all 66 books of the Bible. Let alone have large portions of scripture memorized and etched into their souls. Truly sad. For many, the only time they even hear a scripture is possibly on a Sunday morning. And that is even if they happen to attend a church that actually preaches from the Bible. It’s quite to contrast when you consider Islam. In Islam most actually spend time memorizing large portions of the Koran. In fact many actually have memorized the entire book. How disciplined they are, and they don’t even possess absolute truth. We possess the Holy Scripture-God breathed and inerrant word of Almighty God. Yet we consider it so flippantly. So today I challenge you, in the midst of a society propagating fear. Get the word of God on the inside of you. Memorize it. Cherish it. Declare it. Believe it. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit and it is your very weapon to wield against every spirit, onslaught, calamity, trial, and tribulation that may assail you. The word of God will not fail! Learn it. Jesus said... “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63
Coronavirus COVID-19 and You
In the early 20th Century, John G Lake arrived in South Africa. It was during this time that a great pestilence of bubonic plague had broken out ravaging both villages and cities. The dead soon became too numerous to track. In his autobiography John G Lake would write;
“During that great plague that I mentioned, they sent a government ship with supplies and corps of doctors. One of the doctors sent for me, and said, “What have you been using to protect yourself?
Our corps has this preventative and that, which we use as protection, but we concluded that if a man could stay on the ground as you have and keep ministering to the sick and burying the dead, you must have a secret.
What is it?”
I answered, “Brother that is the ‘law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ I believe that just as long as I keep my soul in contact with the living God so that His Spirit is flowing into my soul and body, that no germ will ever attach itself to me, for the Spirit of God will kill it.”
He asked, “Don’t you think that you had better use our preventatives?”
I replied, “No, but doctor I think that you would like to experiment with me.
If you will go over to one of these dead people and take the foam that comes out of their lungs after death, then put it under the microscope you will see masses of living germs.
You will find they are alive until a reasonable time after a man is dead. You can fill my hand with them and I will keep it under the microscope, and instead of these germs remaining alive, they will die instantly.”
They tried it and found it was true. They questioned, “What is that?” I replied, “That is ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ When a man’s spirit and a man’s body are filled with the blessed presence of God, it oozes out of the pores of your flesh and kills the germs.”
Let me remind you that today the very same Holy Spirit that dwelt in the inside John Lake can and will dwell on the inside of you. If you are blood bought and Holy Ghost filled there is a power flowing through you that when activated by faith dispels demons, depravity and disease. Yes!, that even means Coronavirus (COVID-19).
A believer has NO business being apart of this pandemonium breaking out that is paralyzing communities and entire nations with fear. When you give into fear or ‘PANDEMONium’ you are actually giving place to a demon. A demon of fear and panic.
The ancient Greeks and many who dwelt in Caesarea Philippi actually sacrificed to and worshiped this deity known as ‘Pan’. It was depicted as a half man- half goat demon. Very similar to the satanic baphomet used in demon worship today. This principality ‘Pan’ was called the god of fear, fright and panic. Hence, the very root of the words we use today for ‘pandemonium’ and ‘panic’.
So when you yield to anxiety, fear, fright and panic. You are coming into agreement with demonic power. STOP IT!
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Tim 1:7
I rebuke that demon spirit of fear now in the name of Jesus. Be set free from the grip of Pan and his vices by the power of The Living God!
Walk in faith-walk in the Word-walk in the Spirit!
Don’t fall victim to the spirit of fear being purveyed upon the masses by the main stream media. They indeed have an agenda
“There shall no evil befall thee,
Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Psalms 91:10
#coronavirus #pandemic #COVID-19 #flu #faith #deliverance
Honor The Gateway To Miracles
The scriptures tell us Jesus could do no mighty miracles in his hometown because of unbelief. However the reason for the people's unbelief was rooted in their failure to acknowledge the call of God on the life of Jesus. They refused to view Him as the Son of God because they could only see him as Mary's boy. "Oh that's just Joseph's boy from down the street" They remembered Jesus from the time He grew up. They remembered how he worked tirelessly in the carpenters shop yet would never allow themselves to see past the Jesus they grew up with and behold who He truly was. This is why Jesus declared that "The prophet is without honor in his home country" They failed to see Him in the office that God placed Him. They had grown familiar. Familiarity will always breed contempt. It was said that before William Branham would ever pray for the sick he would often ask the individual "Do you believe that I am the prophet of God?" If they answered 'No' he would pass them by and refuse to pray for them. If you will not receive the prophet of God, how can you receive the message of the God that sent him? If you can't submit to men you will never be able to submit to God. If you will never submit to God you can never successfully resist the devil. If you reject the man of God, you thus reject the hand of God. Pride and rebellion are twins. Where you find one, you will also be staring at the other. #orderinthehouse #honoristhegatewaytomiracles
Miracle of Translation
Last night in prayer the Lord reminded me of the time he translated me while ministering in Haiti. We had been holding crusades in a remote region a few hours outside of Port Au Prince. The power of God had been strong all week as we confronted witchcraft and the fruit was rich as many were saved, healed and delivered. One young woman had become very ill suddenly and was in the local hospital. Due to her condition, she was suffering from paralysis and could not talk nor attend the crusade. On about the third night of the crusade her father showed up unexpectedly with an excitement about him.
He began to testify that his daughter had awakened suddenly and was healed by the power of God. The young girl reported having a vision of myself while in the hospital. In this vision, I and her Pastor came to visit her. As we came along side of her, I laid my hands on her in the name of Jesus and commanded she be healed. Immediately- the paralysis left and she was completely made well.
It was a powerful wonder wrought by the Spirit of God as I was translated that night to her beside. In fact, the doctors were dumbfounded but were forced to discharge her in the morning.
As the Lord reminded me of this miracle, He impressed upon me that we were about to embark into a season of increased supernatural signs and wonders. In this season, the Spirit of God is calling us to a deeper level of consecration. A setting apart for the greatest outpouring of His Spirit upon the earth since the early church.
In the Kingdom of God, the SUPER ought to be natural. Nothing is impossible! But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
“And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.” Acts 8:39,40
A Prophetic Call To A Generation
For where I am calling you to everyone cannot come. For not everyone is willing to leave behind what is demanded. Come into my rest. But who can ascend the hill of the Lord or stand in my place? but he that has clean hands and a pure heart. He who has not lifted up his heart to vanity nor sworn deceitfully. Leave it behind and come. Come! For I am calling this generation. I will have you. Where are my Elijahs? Where are those who will confront jezebel and her prophets? Where are my David’s? Those who will have a heart after me. Where are my Samuels? Those who will not compromise to popular opinion. But will prophesy and steward my Kingdom in the earth. For of this generation it has been said that they are lost but behold nothing is ever lost to me. For I roam to and fro and search the earth to find those whose hearts are perfect towards me and for those whom I will show myself strong and mighty. So I say to this generation. Come and seek. Search and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. For I desire to mantle you with my glory and the desire of my name. I will testify of my name and you will be my mouthpiece. For I am calling a generation to circumscision of the heart and holiness. Who will answer? Who will come? For you have sought for authenticity and encounter and behold I will pour out of my Spirit upon you. Like liquid fire you will carry my presence-my glory. Unusual signs and wonders and with great power you will give witness to my resurrection saith the Spirit of Christ.
Prophetic Release 2020
For with various calamities shall the people be troubled. Unusual quaking and eruptions and weather patterns. Behold the earth is groaning but fear not for I am with thee and I shall work a work in these days if it were told you, you would not believe it. This is the season of dethronement. I will shake those things that can be shaken so that which cannot be shaken shall remain. For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth like the waters the sea and my name will be glorified. For I will pour out of myself upon my people and the gentiles shall be my inheritance.
Oh Haiti the beloved pearl of the Caribbean. So many have stripped you of your garments and have left you destitute. And now I am passing you by. For I have passed you by and found you lying in your own blood but behold I say unto live. I say unto you live. For fear and turmoil has gripped your streets. And there is coming another Duvalier to sit upon the seat of your government. And great struggle will be made for his soul and his heart. He will have a choice to take you back or move you forward. For I desire to touch his heart and make him mine. The wind of restoration shall blow upon you.
For behold Iran Iran - I will break your bow. For you have sought to destroy what belongs to me and I have awaited with longsuffering. For you have declared death upon my people and now behold the cup of your iniquity is full. For I will pour you out and bring your regime low. I have indeed heard the cries of those made fatherless and the widows and I am jealous for them. I have heard the cry of your people and I will have have them. For by my Spirit I will blow upon. For I am God and beside me is no other and I will establish the throne of David upon which my Son sits. And by the Spirit of Truth I will move. For behold I come quickly. For the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be glorified.
Recipe For Revival
“Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out:” Prov 26:20
Romans 12:1-2
With every fire, there is one requirement necessary to keep it burning. All fire must have a source of fuel. Without wood or some sort of consumable fuel source, all fires will even burn themselves out.
If your lacking the fire of God in your life-it is only because you haven't placed any wood on the altar of your life. Stop asking God for fresh fire without putting the wood of your life on the altar. It's insulting to Him. Respect His Glory! The Holy Spirit will not waste His fire for a quick fizzle that you aren't willing to fuel with your life. Your life is the wood!
Paul writes in Romans Chapter 12, that we are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice upon the altar of God. A life that is holy and acceptable before The King of Glory- is a life that is sold-out. It’s this kind of life that the Apostle tells us, “Is our reasonable service”.
In other words…living sanctified and holy. Living sold-out for Jesus, ‘is the least we could do’.
True revival doesn’t start in a series of scheduled church services. True revival starts within our hearts. It’s right there deep in the furnace of our soul that we determine to have the fire of God kindled in every area of our lives.
Today, as you consider this devotion- may you take inventory of your own life. My you make this your prayer:
“Father in the name of Jesus- I surrender every area of my life today to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I submit my ambitions, my desires, my life, my family, my job, my finances, my thoughts, my words and my deeds before you. May everything in me bow to you Lord Jesus and may my life be holy and acceptable before you this day. May you set me on fire with the Holy Ghost and fill me with your Mighty Spirit. Lord make me a conduit of revival today. Make me a carrier of your glory in Jesus name Amen.”
Chad MacDonald
Revival Fire World Ministries
FB/IG/Twitter @revivalfirewm
Buried Dreams
“And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see.” (John 11:34)
John 11:1-43
The story here begins with Jesus receiving word that his friend Lazarus was gravely ill. Martha and Mary had been with the Lord as he wiped away blindness, drove out demons, and made crippled limbs straight. Surely, they knew what to do when their brother Lazarus had fallen ill.
They had to get word to Jesus! So they did just that. They sent word for Jesus to come and heal him.
Yet Jesus didn’t respond for four days! Didn’t he care?
Often when we are facing a trial, crisis or dilemma we do just what we should do. We call on Jesus. Yet often it seems that the answer doesn’t come right away or certainly in the way we expect. Finally, in this story Lazarus dies. Mary and Martha were heartbroken. If only you had been here Jesus, they cried out!
Have you ever felt that way before?
By the time Jesus has shown up, the people in Bethany had given up on their miracle. They had buried Lazarus in the tomb and just assumed they wouldn’t see resurrection power until the sweet bye and bye.
It’s here in this circumstance of doubt, unbelief and hopelessness the resounding words of our Savior thunder. “Take me to the place where you’ve laid him”
Today I want to challenge you by the Spirit of God to take Jesus to the place where you’ve laid what you were believing so hard for. You know that one thing that you once believed for but now seemes so distant and dead that you’ve buried it in a tomb and given up on it.
Maybe it’s financial, perhaps it’s a marriage, perhaps it’s a medical condition, perhaps it’s the call of God on your life. Whatever it is. Let me remind you, that Jesus is the resurrection and the life and no matter how long ago you’ve buried it- when Jesus shows up it will come forth!’
Take Him today to place place where you’ve buried that thing and it will live again!