Last night in prayer the Lord reminded me of the time he translated me while ministering in Haiti. We had been holding crusades in a remote region a few hours outside of Port Au Prince. The power of God had been strong all week as we confronted witchcraft and the fruit was rich as many were saved, healed and delivered. One young woman had become very ill suddenly and was in the local hospital. Due to her condition, she was suffering from paralysis and could not talk nor attend the crusade. On about the third night of the crusade her father showed up unexpectedly with an excitement about him.
He began to testify that his daughter had awakened suddenly and was healed by the power of God. The young girl reported having a vision of myself while in the hospital. In this vision, I and her Pastor came to visit her. As we came along side of her, I laid my hands on her in the name of Jesus and commanded she be healed. Immediately- the paralysis left and she was completely made well.
It was a powerful wonder wrought by the Spirit of God as I was translated that night to her beside. In fact, the doctors were dumbfounded but were forced to discharge her in the morning.
As the Lord reminded me of this miracle, He impressed upon me that we were about to embark into a season of increased supernatural signs and wonders. In this season, the Spirit of God is calling us to a deeper level of consecration. A setting apart for the greatest outpouring of His Spirit upon the earth since the early church.
In the Kingdom of God, the SUPER ought to be natural. Nothing is impossible! But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
“And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.” Acts 8:39,40