For where I am calling you to everyone cannot come. For not everyone is willing to leave behind what is demanded. Come into my rest. But who can ascend the hill of the Lord or stand in my place? but he that has clean hands and a pure heart. He who has not lifted up his heart to vanity nor sworn deceitfully. Leave it behind and come. Come! For I am calling this generation. I will have you. Where are my Elijahs? Where are those who will confront jezebel and her prophets? Where are my David’s? Those who will have a heart after me. Where are my Samuels? Those who will not compromise to popular opinion. But will prophesy and steward my Kingdom in the earth. For of this generation it has been said that they are lost but behold nothing is ever lost to me. For I roam to and fro and search the earth to find those whose hearts are perfect towards me and for those whom I will show myself strong and mighty. So I say to this generation. Come and seek. Search and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. For I desire to mantle you with my glory and the desire of my name. I will testify of my name and you will be my mouthpiece. For I am calling a generation to circumscision of the heart and holiness. Who will answer? Who will come? For you have sought for authenticity and encounter and behold I will pour out of my Spirit upon you. Like liquid fire you will carry my presence-my glory. Unusual signs and wonders and with great power you will give witness to my resurrection saith the Spirit of Christ.