The scriptures tell us Jesus could do no mighty miracles in his hometown because of unbelief. However the reason for the people's unbelief was rooted in their failure to acknowledge the call of God on the life of Jesus. They refused to view Him as the Son of God because they could only see him as Mary's boy. "Oh that's just Joseph's boy from down the street" They remembered Jesus from the time He grew up. They remembered how he worked tirelessly in the carpenters shop yet would never allow themselves to see past the Jesus they grew up with and behold who He truly was. This is why Jesus declared that "The prophet is without honor in his home country" They failed to see Him in the office that God placed Him. They had grown familiar. Familiarity will always breed contempt. It was said that before William Branham would ever pray for the sick he would often ask the individual "Do you believe that I am the prophet of God?" If they answered 'No' he would pass them by and refuse to pray for them. If you will not receive the prophet of God, how can you receive the message of the God that sent him? If you can't submit to men you will never be able to submit to God. If you will never submit to God you can never successfully resist the devil. If you reject the man of God, you thus reject the hand of God. Pride and rebellion are twins. Where you find one, you will also be staring at the other. #orderinthehouse #honoristhegatewaytomiracles