“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you...” Exodus 12:13
The word translated ‘token’ here is actually from a Hebrew word which means ‘argument’- In fact scripture tell us that the blood of Jesus ‘speaks’ not spoke, but ‘speaks’ (it has never ceased to be silent on your behalf) better things than the blood of Abel. Blood has a voice- but here in the above passage we see that the blood of the Passover Lamb would be an ‘argument’ on Israel’s behalf as the angel of death was passing by. When the plague was about to visit every house, God promised that those who sheltered beneath the blood of the Passover lamb would be spared. The blood became an argument on behalf of the Hebrew people. And that argument announced to the plague that is must ‘Passover’ So if the blood of a Passover lamb was able to cause the plague to miss the Jewish people, how much more powerful is the eternal shed blood of the Lord Jesus our messiah who is the true Passover lamb. How much more powerful then does His blood speak as it makes an argument on our behalf and commands then this ‘plague’ to Passover our house. The blood is your border!
—Chad MacDonald
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