“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7
Make no mistake what we are experiencing now is not simply what you see. There is a rending in the heavens and great warfare has filled the second heaven. What we are experiencing now is the earth and weather patterns as they prophesy. It is now upon us that the earth is responding while the physical realm manifests that which is expanding in the womb of the spirit.
Saturday while in prayer the Spirit of the Lord reveled unto me that
‘Just as when King Uzziah died and a new glimpse of my glory was revealed- so also shall a notable individual with influence will soon pass and when they do it shall be a sign. A sign of a great shift in season, for when you see this sign know that a fresh outpouring and revelation of my glory shall be revealed in the earth. All of Egypt shall know that I AM the LORD-“
Part of a prophetic word I released on January 12, 2020 concerning this year was this...
“For with various calamities shall the people be troubled. Unusual quaking and eruptions and weather patterns. Behold the earth is groaning but fear not for I am with thee and I shall work a work in these days if it were told you, you would not believe it. This is the season of dethronement. I will shake those things that can be shaken so that which cannot be shaken shall remain. For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth like the waters the sea and my name will be glorified. For I will pour out of myself upon my people and the gentiles shall be my inheritance.”
an excerpt of a prophetic word I released in January of 2019 testified again to Wall Street and this current crisis..”There is calamity coming to America. There will be an increase in natural disasters,(specifically the tremoring in the earth) the stock market is going to travail.” Chad MacDonald