RUth Bader Ginsburg & The Hand of The Lord

🚨Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died- Prophetic Alert🚨

In April of this year I released this prophetic word given to me in a vision of this very event, of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. - (It was posted previously in April on this site)

Here is the excerpt of the prophetic word of the Lord..

“Just as when King Uzziah died and a new glimpse of my glory was revealed- so also shall a notable individual with influence will soon pass and when they do it shall be a sign. A sign of a great shift in season, for when you see this sign know that a fresh outpouring and revelation of my glory shall be revealed in the earth. All of Egypt shall know that I AM the LORD-“ Make no mistake what we are experiencing now is not simply what you see. There is a rending in the heavens and great warfare has filled the second heaven. What we are experiencing now is the earth and weather patterns as they prophesy. It is now upon us that the earth is responding while the physical realm manifests that which is expanding in the womb of the spirit. Part of a prophetic word I released on January 12, 2020 concerning this year was this... “For with various calamities shall the people be troubled. Unusual quaking and eruptions and weather patterns. Behold the earth is groaning but fear not for I am with thee and I shall work a work in these days if it were told you, you would not believe it. This is the season of dethronement. I will shake those things that can be shaken so that which cannot be shaken shall remain. For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth like the waters the sea and my name will be glorified. For I will pour out of myself upon my people and the gentiles shall be my inheritance.” an excerpt of a prophetic word I released in January of 2019 testified again to Wall Street and this current crisis..”There is calamity coming to America. There will be an increase in natural disasters,(specifically the tremoring in the earth) the stock market is going to travail.”

#RBG #ruthbaderginsburg #SCOTUS #Prophecy


The Law of Diminishing Returns & NetFLIX

I pray that this wakes many up- but the real issue here isn’t even NetFlix.  It’s the law of diminishing returns- 

This kind of filth has been slipped in like leaven into the very fabric of our nation and yes even into the church. 

Over the last 2 decades it has begun to crescendo into now an avalanche of debauchery and a depraved conscience. 

Pulpits have been silent for fear of being labeled ‘political’ when in reality they are just cowards.  Instead of righteousness, a large segment of the ‘modern’ church has laid their heads in the very lap of Delilah. And Samson, ‘they don’t even realize the Spirit of the Lord has departed from them’.  We have bought the lie of the demonic realm. The lie of tolerance and compromise.  

The law of diminishing returns is known all too well by any addict.  What use to get you ‘high’ or achieve the desired level of euphoria now doesn’t do the job. Now you need more....and then more....and then more.  

The leaven of sexual filth vomited from the bowels of hell upon this generation has come along these lines. 

We stood silent and said nothing when they slipped more and more perversion into ‘Television Programs’ (why do you think it’s called a ‘Program’ anyway) little by little. They slipped the ‘funny’ BFF homosexual into TV- then Satan sat and watched while ‘professing’ Christians sat and laughed while watching this garbage.  

He knew it then it was time to turn it up a notch after the desensitizing was into full effect. 

Next came same sex marriage and the lie that, you know....’you just can’t help who you love’. Then came more silence....

The life coach pulpits and their social conditioning ‘talks’. (They don’t even call them sermons any longer) (I suppose that’s good because they certainly aren’t oracles from God). They began affirming perversity all in the name of inclusion. The sin of Balam was now in full effect. 

So the enemy moves on with more leaven and next came the transgender issue. (Well it’s actually a demon spirit) But like Sodom and Gommorah that wasn’t enough and like the days of Noah is isn’t  enough. The law of diminishing returns is now in high gear. So in places like California demonized politicians are now passing legislation to lessen the criminal offenses to pedophilia. 

Emboldened by America’s appetite for destruction  and a backsliden church, companies like ‘Netflix’ are eager to do Hell’s bidding. 

Christians (well at least that’s what they call themselves) at alarming levels willingly pump into their eyes and ears filthy music, perverse television and listen to pulpits with zero anointing and no chance of their apostate lifestyles being convicted.  You know, after all....’that message is just too ‘old fashioned’, it’s just ‘not redemptive enough’’s a common one from backsliden preachers.... ‘it’s too sin conscious’. 

No’s called conviction! Pain to your body is what conviction is to your spirit. 

The very reason this nation is in the shape it’s in is that we have a preacher problem. We need prophets to arise that will speak righteousness into government. That will not be afraid to challenge a decayed moral compass. Those that will not be afraid to address issues labeled ‘political’. Don’t you understand that’s the very reason the devil loves to label things like ‘abortion’ as political. So that limp wristed preachers will stay away from it. 

America has never been in more need of revival- and I am determined to see it. This is the generation of Elijahs to arise that will confront Ahab and Jezebel. This is the generation of Gideons to arise that will leave the cowering behind and slay the midianites. 

Now is the time to arise and take our homes back- take our pulpits backs- take our cities back- take our nation back. 


the sHaking (A prophetic Call)

“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7

Make no mistake what we are experiencing now is not simply what you see.  There is a rending in the heavens and great warfare has filled the second heaven. What we are experiencing now is the earth and weather patterns as they prophesy. It is now upon us that the earth is responding while the physical realm manifests that which is expanding in the womb of the spirit. 

Saturday while in prayer the Spirit of the Lord reveled unto me that 

‘Just as when King Uzziah died and a new glimpse of my glory was revealed- so also shall a notable individual with influence will soon pass and when they do it shall be a sign. A sign of a great shift in season, for when you see this sign know that a fresh outpouring and revelation of my glory shall be revealed in the earth. All of Egypt shall know that I AM the LORD-“ 

Part of a prophetic word I released on January 12, 2020 concerning this year was this...

“For with various calamities shall the people be troubled. Unusual quaking and eruptions and weather patterns. Behold the earth is groaning but fear not for I am with thee and I shall work a work in these days if it were told you, you would not believe it. This is the season of dethronement. I will shake those things that can be shaken so that which cannot be shaken shall remain. For the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth like the waters the sea and my name will be glorified. For I will pour out of myself upon my people and the gentiles shall be my inheritance.”

an excerpt of a prophetic word I released in January of 2019 testified  again to Wall Street and this current crisis..”There is calamity  coming to America. There will be an increase in natural  disasters,(specifically the tremoring in the earth) the stock market is  going to travail.” Chad MacDonald


Recipe For Revival


“Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out:” Prov 26:20


Romans 12:1-2


 With every fire, there is one requirement necessary to keep it burning. All fire must have a source of fuel. Without wood or some sort of consumable fuel source, all fires will even burn themselves out.

If your lacking the fire of God in your life-it is only because you haven't placed any wood on the altar of your life. Stop asking God for fresh fire without putting the wood of your life on the altar. It's insulting to Him. Respect His Glory! The Holy Spirit will not waste His fire for a quick fizzle that you aren't willing to fuel with your life. Your life is the wood!

Paul writes in Romans Chapter 12, that we are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice upon the altar of God. A life that is holy and acceptable before The King of Glory- is a life that is sold-out. It’s this kind of life that the Apostle tells us, “Is our reasonable service”.

In other words…living sanctified and holy. Living sold-out for Jesus, ‘is the least we could do’.

True revival doesn’t start in a series of scheduled church services. True revival starts within our hearts. It’s right there deep in the furnace of our soul that we determine to have the fire of God kindled in every area of our lives.

Today, as you consider this devotion- may you take inventory of your own life. My you make this your prayer:

“Father in the name of Jesus- I surrender every area of my life today to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I submit my ambitions, my desires, my life, my family, my job, my finances, my thoughts, my words and my deeds before you. May everything in me bow to you Lord Jesus and may my life be holy and acceptable before you this day. May you set me on fire with the Holy Ghost and fill me with your Mighty Spirit. Lord make me a conduit of revival today. Make me a carrier of your glory in Jesus name Amen.”



Chad MacDonald

Revival Fire World Ministries

FB/IG/Twitter @revivalfirewm

2019- Prophetic Release- Access and Intervention

2019 Prophetic Release!

About a month ago, The Lord began to reveal to me His word for 2019. 
After praying around 1:30am I returned to bed and before getting in bed I saw the shadow outline of a giant key (Old skeleton key), the outline covered the entire length of the bedroom window. As I saw it, I heard The Lord say ‘Behold I give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’ 
I again heard the Lord say, ‘Didn’t I say I would do it- Behold I give you the keys to the Kingdom and whatever you bind is bound and loose is loosed’

I believe this is a prophetic indicator of a new season and new year of open doors and victories. In this year we must line up our speaking with our believing. I believe the ‘key’ is in our mouth.

The year 2019 is the year 5779 on the ancient Hebraic calendar- There is prophetic significance to this.

Intervention of God __ 
The Lord is showing me that this new year will be signified by the fullness of the number 9. 
The number 9 represents the divine moving of The Spirit of God (for example there are 9 gifts of the Spirit and 9 fruit) 
This year prophetically will be a year of the supernatural moving of God and His power on our behalf. This will be a year of Supernatural access (represented by the key) it will be a year where God moves sovereignly. This will be a year where you won’t need to do it yourself but the divine moving of God will intervene on your behalf-in your family, your ministry, your finances etc. 
This is going to be a year, where The Holy Spirit begins to move in power in His church once again There will be a marked increase in the operation of the power gifts of The Spirit (signs, wonders and miracles). The easing of the dead, creative miracles etc. 
The number 9 also carries a reference to judgment. 
2019 will also be a year where God moves to judge demon power and it’s schemes operating in our life. There will be a confrontation between the power of God and witchcraft operations that had been allowed to go seemingly unchecked in the previous season. 
Not any longer! 
In 2019, those who are opposing the plan of God in your life and in the life of His church will hear not from you, but rather from God in 2019. 
This will be a year where God begins to move to purge out the leaven in our lives and in His church.

In 2019 there will be a shifting in the spiritual tectonic plates and this will manifest physically in earthquake and natural disasters. This is not the judgment of God but rather evidence of the warfare surrounding this season. Pray saints!

Iran- in 2019 I see God moving upon the schemes of the Iranian regime. There is going to be a significant dealing with in regards to iran. In the same way they have sought to oppress and afflict my people so shall I afflict them. Some sort of military confrontation is coming. Pray!

North Korea- The will be a revealing of the hidden. As for Kim Jong Un , I have seen the oppressive hand he has dealt against my people, my church. I will have North Korea and my gospel shall be preached there. As you have moved against my people, I will move against you. 
Saints, look to see a serious shift in North Korea. Pray!

AFRICA- I see a discovery of natural resources previously hidden that will be uncovered. God says when you see that know that I am also moving to reveal the riches of my glory across that continent.

Haiti- There are sinister forces that have been plotting a coup for the past several months- I see President Jovenel Moïse in turmoil but pray that he endures and remains. There will be revival in Haiti- spiritually, economically, politically. Contend for her in prayer.

This is a season where God is calling His people to greater intimacy. God desires you to walk in Supernatural access in this year and doing so will require a complete submission to His will. This is the year of ‘The moving of God’ Are you ready?

Prepared for A Miracle

“And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5


I am convinced by the Spirit of God that God desires to take you in 2017 where you have not been before. I hear the Spirit say that it’s your time possess the land. Holy Spirit is about to move in might and power. He is about to wow both you and your adversary.

But this is not for everyone; it’s for those that are willing to pay a price.

Just as Joshua and the people of Israel were about to carry the ‘ark of the covenant’ across the Jordan, God desires that you carry this same glory.

He desires that His church carry His presence in power but you must first sanctify yourselves.

To sanctify means to separate, to set apart, to mark the holy from the unholy. God is calling for you to separate yourselves in 2017 from some things that have kept you back in 2016. There are some things that you cannot take into 2017. There are some things that just can’t go into the Promised Land.

He is calling you to understand that you have been marked for a purpose and those that are willing to consecrate themselves in 2017 will experience a greater level of glory and anointing than anything they have imagined to this point.

As Joshua stated…Get ready to expect a miracle! God is about to move, but you must first sanctify yourselves.

So as you begin to embark into this New Year-this new season. Take the time and seek God.

Listen to Him speak to you. Sanctify yourself! Prepare yourself because you’re about to get a miracle.


The Reward of God


After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (‭Genesis‬ ‭15‬:‭1)

If the reward for seeking God was a million dollars and a Bentley-I could venture to guess the world would knock themselves over to get to God. 

However the reward for seeking God is not things or physical blessing. It is not even healing or answer to prayer.  

The reward for seeking after God is Jehovah Himself! 

The LORD declared to Abraham -I AM your exceeding great reward! 

Stop seeking God's hand and start seeking His face.  

He is not just your provider He is your provision! He is not just healer-He is healing! He is not just savior-He is salvation! 

In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy! 

When you learn to seek Him, you will find that the reward for seeking God is more of God. 

When you get to that place of seeking Him and being satisfied only with God and God alone- It's there that you find yourself abiding in Him and He in you. It's when that happens as Jesus said "When we abide in Him and He in us"-it's then and only then that he promised we could asked anything in His name He would do it. 

Quit seeking an anointing and start seeking the Anointer! Quit seeking miracles and start seeking the miracle worker- Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God- The King of Glory! 

I'm not satisfied with stories and testimonies  of what God has done, I am only satisfied with the God of those testimonies.  

Abraham was blessed because He sought God and God became His reward! 

#reward #seekJesus #Godisallyouneed #revivallifestyle #revivalfire


Overweight Christians

Overweight Christians


I'm so tired of constantly hearing about how 'the devil' is doing this or that or attacking you this way or that way.

It's as if the devil is a school yard bully who constantly is shaking some Christians down for lunch money on a daily basis.


This ought not be so!


I'm not looking for the person who wakes up and immediately begins to bemoan the calamity the devil has planned for them. 

I'm interested in finding a fire baptized believer who when the moment their eyes pop open in the morning and feet hit the ground, every devil shrieks with anxiety. 


You're not called to perpetually have your spiritual lunch money stolen.  In fact you're called to be the one who is stealing the devil's lunch money and eating his sandwich. 


James 4:7 thunders, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."


The word in this instance for resist does not mean to passively resist. It does not mean you're supposed to be the only one receiving blows. It does not mean to just hold on and if you will endure, eventually the devil will give up and move on. 


The word for resist here means to violently assault. To oppose in the same manner a Greek wrestler or Roman soldier would go to battle.

Actually it has another meaning as well..

It means to outweigh!


It is always dangerous to go up against a fighter that outweighs you. 


In boxing and wrestling, fighters are routinely weighed before a bout to ensure that the heavier warrior does not have an unfair advantage. To be hit with the full force and strength of the much heavier fighter can have devastating effects.


It's good to be overweight!


In fact you outweigh the devil!


Do you not realize that "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world".

Do you not realize that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit you have a distinct fighting advantage!


It's time to get off your rear ends and put your foot on the neck of the devil.

You can't loose! You have all the weight of heaven on your side!


It's time to get off that spiritual vegan diet and put on some weight!

You born for the fight and destined for victory!




The Malachi Connection


 **The Malachi Season**

"So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.” 

“So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in. Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie,”

John 20:4-6 

It was here that upon hearing news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, both Peter and John frantically raced to see for themselves. 

However there is another story within the story. 

It was John the younger of the two that outraced Peter to the tomb. But upon reaching the tomb he became paralyzed-unsure what to do, so he just stood there. 

As Peter arrived to the entrance of the tomb he promptly stepped inside.

You see it was John typifying the younger generation that out ran the older but when he encountered the shock of the empty tomb he quickly froze.  

It was then that Peter with the experience that only age and relationship can foster said "come on-let's go inside..."

You see we are entering a season when there must be a divine partnering of the younger generation with the older generation.  

Any church that consists of only the older generation may have years of experience and knowledge but they will lack the necessary stamina to advance the kingdom.  

Likewise any church that consists of only the younger generation will thrive  on stamina but falter without the depth of solid doctrine, experience and wisdom.  

It is time that the older embrace the younger and the younger embrace the older.  

It's time to understand that these two generations may not look the same, they may not talk the same but they are called to a partnership of battle. 

It's time that the 'old Saints' stop discounting and begin to teach this younger generation how to tarry, how to fast, how to cast out Devils, how to pray through. 

It is time that the older generation stop rejecting this generation of the millennium and understand that they are called to mentor them. 

For if true revival is going to sweep the land, it will require the strength of the youth to carry the flame. And it will necessitate that the two work together. 

We need the wisdom of the older generation to partner with the unbridled strength of this young generation and take enemy held territory! 

It's time like Malachi declares:

“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

Malachi 4:6 


"So they ran both 

together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.” 

“So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in. Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie,”

John 20:4-6 

It was here that upon hearing news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, both Peter and John frantically raced to see for themselves. 

However there is another story within the story. 

It was John the younger of the two that outraced Peter to the tomb. But upon reaching the tomb he became paralyzed-unsure what to do, so he just stood there. 

As Peter arrived to the entrance of the tomb he promptly stepped inside.

You see it was John typifying the younger generation that out ran the older but when he encountered the shock of the empty tomb he quickly froze.  

It was then that Peter with the experience that only age and relationship can foster said "come on-let's go inside..."

You see we are entering a season when there must be a divine partnering of the younger generation with the older generation.  

Any church that consists of only the older generation may have years of experience and knowledge but they will lack the necessary stamina to advance the kingdom.  

Likewise any church that consists of only the younger generation will thrive  on stamina but falter without the depth of solid doctrine, experience and wisdom.  

It is time that the older embrace the younger and the younger embrace the older.  

It's time to understand that these two generations may not look the same, they may not talk the same but they are called to a partnership of battle. 

It's time that the 'old Saints' stop discounting and begin to teach this younger generation how to tarry, how to fast, how to cast out Devils, how to pray through. 

It is time that the older generation stop rejecting this generation of the millennium and understand that they are called to mentor them. 

For if true revival is going to sweep the land, it will require the strength of the youth to carry the flame. And it will necessitate that the two work together. 

We need the wisdom of the older generation to partner with the unbridled strength of this young generation and take enemy held territory! 

It's time like Malachi declares:

“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

Malachi 4:6 


Soldier Up


“These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth. Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭12:1-3‬ ‭


You are called to possess the land! 

It's time for war- It's time for a revolution!

It's time to root out and destroy, it's time to tear down- 

So that God can build and plant!

It's time to take back everything the devil has stolen! You are Gods enforcement agent and it's time to tell the enemy that he is a squatter and is an illegal! 

It's time to tear down strongholds and invade enemy held territory! It's time to impose the Kingdom! The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. 

It's time to take our homes back- our churches back-our cities back-our nation back! It's time to take the world back! 

The only thing that will do this is the power of the Holy Ghost! It's time to soldier up! 

It's time to break the power of addiction- It's time to break the power of of sickness-It's time to break the power of sin-It's time to break the power of satan! 

The word of God declares!

"You shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you!"  Acts 1:8

Power over all Devils and to cure diseases!

Power over Devils of suicide and depression! 

Power over Devils of homosexuality and racism!

Power over witchcraft! 

Power over religious Devils! 

Power to live right! 

I'm tired of repeat after me 1,2,3- 

I wanna see somebody get saved.  

I don't wanna see somebody make a decision. 

I wanna see somebody get baptized in the Holy Ghost and Fire. 

I'm weary with gospel politics and christian entertainers. Hipsters without holiness and power. 

It's time for war! It's time to burn with the unquenchable fire of the Holy Ghost! 

We are called to utterly destroy every high place-every grove-every altar devoted to wickedness! 

You are not called to warm a pew and sip a cappuccino in the the sanctuary of your church singing kumbaya! 

You are called to war! You are called to victory! 

#spiritualwarfare #takeitbyforce #notplaying #revivalfire 

The Coming Awakening


The Coming Awakening

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. (Isaiah 60:2-3 KJV)

While I am grieved at the recent decision to legislate perversion and homosexual marriage, I rest assured that God will have the final word.

The Lord spoke to me not long ago when He declared "I will not be outmatched.."

We are on the brink of a third great awakening in this nation. This coming awakening is going to prophetically shake this nation and it will radically alter the culture of society. 

In order for light to shine the brightest there must be darkness.

The remnant church now has a choice. 

They can wallow in misery and bemoan the recent Supreme Court ruling or they can occupy the Kingdom with power. 

We can lie down or we can rise up infused and infected with Holy Ghost power and impose the Kingdom of Christ. 

Understand that this ruling has set some things in motion spiritually. 

This is how the wheat and the chaff will be identified.

Who will stand boldly and who will cower in a corner. 

Often the greatest moves of God were birthed in the delivery room of persecution. 

While the world your bible declares will be cloaked in darkness and deep darkness the people. The Lord Himself is about to arise upon His church and His glory shall be seem upon thee. 

The tangible manifest presence of God shall soon rest upon the remnant  fire baptized church and the glory of The Lord shall be seen upon his church in power. 

There is a revival coming the likes of which shall make the book of acts look like a Sunday school picnic at the local Presbyterian church. 

There is about to be a move of God that will cause this nation to take notice. Creative miracles and signs and wonders shall follow this church. There will be deliverance at an untold level from demon power. 

The very gates of hell shall not prevail against this outpouring. 

This awakening will completely rattle the darkness and multitudes will surrender in repentance. 

As the prophet Isaiah declares "that the Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightness of thy rising." This move of God will usher in even those who previously had no covenant relationship or knowledge of God and it will also rock those in positions of authority. 

Jesus is not coming back for a church with less than what He left. 

#revivalfire #startafire #imposetheKingdom #wewin

Remnant Arise


But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. (‭Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭4-5‬ KJV)

Everywhere we turn it seems that we are being assailed on all sides. Godlessness, perversion, sickness, death and disease are encroaching from all angles. 

What used to be right is now wrong. What was once considered perverse  is now an alternative lifestyle. Men have become lovers of themselves as they worship at the altar of selfish desire. 

It was just this past Christmas season  that Hasboro reported sales of Ouija boards to be up 300%. Islam is spreading like cancer and secular humanism is rising like flood waters. 

If those things were not enough-like dominos,pulpits all across America seem to be falling for a powerless message of compromise. One after the other, so called mega church Pastors are coming out of the closet and espousing doctrines of Devils in an attempt to manipulate doctor big bucks sitting on the front row. 

As the church goes so goes the nation-As the pulpit goes so goes the pew. 

There however is still hope! 

God is speaking prophetically now- That even though darkness is covering the earth and gross darkness the people, the glory of the Lord is about to be poured out on the earth in a mighty awakening. 

The hot will get hotter and the cold will get colder but it is Harvest time!

It may appear that Jezebel's prophets are numerous in the land-BUT GOD still has a remnant who have not bowed the knee to Baal! 

It's time to cry loud and spare not. It's time to square our shoulders, point our finger under the nose of the devil and declare "Thus saith the Lord" 

Becoming a Troublemaker

1 Kings 18:1

“And it came to pass after many days, that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year, saying; Go shew thyself unto Ahab; and  I will send rain upon the earth.”

The scriptures record that Ahab and his wife Jezebel which ruled over Israel in these days did more to provoke the Lord to anger than all the kings previously. What a charge!

The wickedness of Ahab was so great in fact that he allowed his wife to murder and hunt down the prophets of God in a systematic attempt to wipe out the worship of Jehovah throughout the land. This demonically inspired tandem had established and spread the worship of Baal and Ashtoreth across Israel. Sexual perversion and the worship of demon power had replaced the worship of Jehovah.

God had finally had enough and smote the land with a grievous famine and drought where for 3 years it had not rained upon the land. It was then that the word of the Lord came to the prophet Elijah and declared ‘Go show thyself to Ahab; and I will send rain upon the land’ God was finally about to have an old fashioned showdown with the powers of darkness. He said to Elijah that the time to hide from the enemies of God were .  This man of God was commanded to march into the midst of this demon possessed king and announce ‘Thus saith the Lord..’ 


“And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?” 1 Kings 18:17

Is this not like the world!  When the fire baptized Holy Ghost filled believer arrives on the scene often the world cries out that we are the ones who are troubling the world. What used to be perversion is now an acceptable lifestyle. What used to be wrong is now right. What used to be done in secret is now brazenly performed as a public spectacle. What used to be called sin is now called personal preference.  The world is busy running out of their closets and the church high tailing it into their closets. 

The time to hide is over! It’s time to be a trouble maker to the works of darkness! 

God is calling the remnant of His church who has not bowed the knee to Baal; the blood washed church of the Lord Jesus Christ who refuses to accept the works of darkness to arise with boldness and Holy Ghost power.

It’s time to confront the forces of wickedness and like Elijah; settle this once and for all. God is about to answer by fire and pour out His glory on the earth.

 The Lord spoke to me some time ago and declared to my spirit that “I will not be outmatched says the Lord”

When it seems that the dark can’t get any darker and satanic power seems to pervade society; God is about arise and His enemies will be scattered!

 This outpouring of the Holy Spirit is going to announce the dominion of the Son of God in one last move of glory before the return of The Lord Jesus Christ!

Signs, wonders, miracles and Holy Ghost power are here! Many will see the power of Jesus Christ and repent.  Just as the fame of Jesus spread through Syria and Galilee and throngs flocked to Him so shall His fame spread throughout the world in this last move of God and many will be saved.  How long will you halt between two opinions?