After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (Genesis 15:1)
If the reward for seeking God was a million dollars and a Bentley-I could venture to guess the world would knock themselves over to get to God.
However the reward for seeking God is not things or physical blessing. It is not even healing or answer to prayer.
The reward for seeking after God is Jehovah Himself!
The LORD declared to Abraham -I AM your exceeding great reward!
Stop seeking God's hand and start seeking His face.
He is not just your provider He is your provision! He is not just healer-He is healing! He is not just savior-He is salvation!
In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy!
When you learn to seek Him, you will find that the reward for seeking God is more of God.
When you get to that place of seeking Him and being satisfied only with God and God alone- It's there that you find yourself abiding in Him and He in you. It's when that happens as Jesus said "When we abide in Him and He in us"-it's then and only then that he promised we could asked anything in His name He would do it.
Quit seeking an anointing and start seeking the Anointer! Quit seeking miracles and start seeking the miracle worker- Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God- The King of Glory!
I'm not satisfied with stories and testimonies of what God has done, I am only satisfied with the God of those testimonies.
Abraham was blessed because He sought God and God became His reward!
#reward #seekJesus #Godisallyouneed #revivallifestyle #revivalfire