The Reward of God


After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (‭Genesis‬ ‭15‬:‭1)

If the reward for seeking God was a million dollars and a Bentley-I could venture to guess the world would knock themselves over to get to God. 

However the reward for seeking God is not things or physical blessing. It is not even healing or answer to prayer.  

The reward for seeking after God is Jehovah Himself! 

The LORD declared to Abraham -I AM your exceeding great reward! 

Stop seeking God's hand and start seeking His face.  

He is not just your provider He is your provision! He is not just healer-He is healing! He is not just savior-He is salvation! 

In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy! 

When you learn to seek Him, you will find that the reward for seeking God is more of God. 

When you get to that place of seeking Him and being satisfied only with God and God alone- It's there that you find yourself abiding in Him and He in you. It's when that happens as Jesus said "When we abide in Him and He in us"-it's then and only then that he promised we could asked anything in His name He would do it. 

Quit seeking an anointing and start seeking the Anointer! Quit seeking miracles and start seeking the miracle worker- Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God- The King of Glory! 

I'm not satisfied with stories and testimonies  of what God has done, I am only satisfied with the God of those testimonies.  

Abraham was blessed because He sought God and God became His reward! 

#reward #seekJesus #Godisallyouneed #revivallifestyle #revivalfire


Violence of Action

Matthew 11:12 “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force”


It is time to impose Christ’s Kingdom in the earth, not with sword or military might, but with the irresistible and irrefutable power of the Holy Ghost. It’s time for the church to quit sitting around waiting to be invited!

To do so would be to act as if this world belonged to Satan and his kingdom. It does not! This world belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ! He redeemed all humanity from the curse of the law and translated us from the dominion of Satan to the dominion of the Son of God.  Rev 11:15 “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ!”

God birthed his church to carry His glory. The fire baptized and Holy Ghost filled church of the Lord Jesus Christ is commanded to reach down and rescue a dying and depraved world. It is a church full of remnant  believers who have not bowed the knee to baal, but are full of the life and power of God.

What this nation needs is not political reform, it’s not economic reform, it’s not social reform! What this world needs, what our nation needs, what our city needs, what our church needs, what our homes need, is the power of the Holy Ghost! Power over sickness, power over sin, power over Satan! Power over demons, depravity and disease! 

The power of the resurrected Christ is world shaking! It is what empowered a group of 120 people to turn their known world upside down. It is what caused Peter to preach his first message and over 2000 people repented and bowed the knee the Jesus Christ. It is what anointed Peter’s shadow and Paul’s handkerchiefs. The early church didn’t need charisma magazine or a Hollywood themed mega ministry. They didn’t have playboy’s in the pulpit, they had prophets! They had the Power of the Holy Ghost and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

They didn’t have cappuccino machines in their churches, they had altars! They didn’t have secular humanism or a self-help gospel; they preached the cross and the delivering power of the blood of Jesus Christ!

We are living in the last days before the return of the Lord and God is not about to be outmatched! There is a revival coming and the likes of which have not been seen on this earth! God is going to pour out His power and glory on the earth one last time. Hospitals will be emptied, wheelchairs emptied, the dead raised and the captives set free!

God is pouring His glory out on His church now! He is not sending revival so that we can have some superficial goose bump experience and leave the house of God the same way we came in.

God wants to change us! He wants to infuse us with His presence!

Because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. This anointing is life changing! It will not leave you the same way you were when you came in contact with it. This anointing destroys yokes and removes burdens! It breaks the bands of wickedness!

We are commanded to take this anointing and the message of the Anointed One to the world!

1 John 3:8 “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil”  

It is the job of the church to carry the delivering power of Jesus Christ to hurting and helpless humanity. don’t have to be under the power of bondage any longer! Jesus saves, Jesus heals, and Jesus delivers. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!

This world does not belong to the devil. Jesus Christ defeated Him with the power of His cross. The devil is a squatter and must be thrown out. It's time to evict the devil from out lives, from our homes, from our churches, from our communities, and from our cities!

Isaiah 60:1,2  “Arise, shine: for thy light is com, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people: BUT the LORD shall arise upon thee and His glory shall be seen upon thee”

Are you ready for the tangible and manifest glory of God? It is His desire to pour Himself out upon you and baptize you in power. Let your prayer be "Come Holy Spirit and baptize me fresh in your presence. I need you! More of you Lord Jesus and less of me!"

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