Big-Pharma & Covid Truth

Never is this more relevant than today…I wrote a book in 2017 titled ‘Rise and Be Healed’ in chapter 9 which I titled ‘Medicated Mindset’ I wrote the following…

“A recent Pew Research poll determined that in 2012, the pharmaceutical industry spent more than $27 billion on drug promotion and advertising.  With more than $24 billion directed directly to physicians and $3 billion towards advertising mainly through television a perfect storm is brewing.

The pharmaceutical conglomerate based on this poll spends more than national GDP of 103 nations. Let that sink in… 

With most of this being targeted directly towards your healthcare professionals.” 

No wonder, we live in a nation where they propagate a pill for everything. No wonder, big Pharma has such a hold on the medical industry. No wonder Doctors are so quick to write a prescription or endorse a poorly tested vaccine. Why?

 Because they have a financial incentive to do so.  Doctors on the other hand get very little training in areas such as nutrition. Why???? Well, you guessed it… Because the financial compensation for advocating a truly healthy lifestyle isn’t as lucrative as prescribing a life time of medication or medical procedures against your health insurance.

This is a textbook example of why the big Pharma industry and much of the mainstream medical community along with their handlers in the media so vehemently oppose treating Covid-19 with something like hydroxychloroquine. In the case of hydroxychloroquine, this is a drug that has been around for over 50 years. It has multiple generic competitors and is produced for almost nothing. I’ll not even get into the fact that many clinical trials have proven that it is an affordable and effective treatment for  coronavirus.

However, affordable is not what big-Pharma is interested in. The entire medical industry and the pharmaceutical conglomerate stands to rake in trillions of dollars off of the R&D, patents, and  distribution of a supposed vaccine. A vaccine that will be poorly vetted and in many case tested to detrimental effect upon poor and indigenous populations in places like Africa. In these places, despotic regimes will sell out their people in an effort to get a financial cut of the testing of such a live vaccine on their unsuspecting population. So the more the industry and media can provoke the masses to fear and panic, the more anxiety they can drive them to. This puts a large segment of the population in a position to blindly accept and line up for whatever comes down the pike.



The blood is your border

“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you...” Exodus 12:13

The word translated ‘token’ here is actually from a Hebrew word which means ‘argument’- In fact scripture tell us that the blood of Jesus ‘speaks’ not spoke, but ‘speaks’ (it has never ceased to be silent on your behalf) better things than the blood of Abel. Blood has a voice- but here in the above passage we see that the blood of the Passover Lamb would be an ‘argument’ on Israel’s behalf as the angel of death was passing by. When the plague was about to visit every house, God promised that those who sheltered beneath the blood of the Passover lamb would be spared. The blood became an argument on behalf of the Hebrew people. And that argument announced to the plague that is must ‘Passover’ So if the blood of a Passover lamb was able to cause the plague to miss the Jewish people, how much more powerful is the eternal shed blood of the Lord Jesus our messiah who is the true Passover lamb. How much more powerful then does His blood speak as it makes an argument on our behalf and commands then this ‘plague’ to Passover our house. The blood is your border!

—Chad MacDonald

#coronavirus #wuhanvirus #powerintheblood #faithoverfear

Coronavirus COVID-19 and You

In the early 20th Century, John G Lake arrived in South Africa. It was during this time that a great pestilence of bubonic plague had broken out ravaging both  villages and cities. The dead soon became too numerous to track. In  his autobiography John G Lake would write;

“During that great plague that I mentioned, they sent a government ship with supplies and corps of doctors. One of the doctors sent for me, and said, “What have you been using to protect yourself?

Our corps has this preventative and that, which we use as protection, but we concluded that if a man could stay on the ground as you have and keep ministering to the sick and burying the dead, you must have a secret.

What is it?”

I answered, “Brother that is the ‘law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ I believe that just as long as I keep my soul in contact with the living God so that His Spirit is flowing into my soul and body, that no germ will ever attach itself to me, for the Spirit of God will kill it.”

He asked, “Don’t you think that you had better use our preventatives?”

I replied, “No, but doctor I think that you would like to experiment with me.

If you will go over to one of these dead people and take the foam that comes out of their lungs after death, then put it under the microscope you will see masses of living germs.

You will find they are alive until a reasonable time after a man is dead. You can fill my hand with them and I will keep it under the microscope, and instead of these germs remaining alive, they will die instantly.”

They tried it and found it was true. They questioned, “What is that?” I replied, “That is ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ When a man’s spirit and a man’s body are filled with the blessed presence of God, it oozes out of the pores of your flesh and kills the germs.”

Let me remind you that today the very same Holy Spirit that dwelt in the inside John Lake can and will dwell on the inside of you. If you are blood bought and Holy Ghost filled there is a power flowing through you that when activated by faith dispels demons, depravity and disease.  Yes!, that even means Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

A believer has NO business being apart of this pandemonium breaking out that is paralyzing communities and entire nations with fear. When you give into fear or ‘PANDEMONium’ you are actually giving place to a demon. A demon of fear and panic. 

The ancient Greeks and many who dwelt in Caesarea Philippi actually sacrificed to and worshiped this deity known as ‘Pan’. It was depicted as a half man- half goat demon. Very similar to the satanic baphomet used in demon worship today. This principality ‘Pan’ was called the god of fear, fright and panic. Hence, the very root of the words we use today for ‘pandemonium’ and ‘panic’. 

So when you yield to anxiety, fear, fright and panic. You are coming into agreement with demonic power. STOP IT! 

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Tim 1:7

I rebuke that demon spirit of fear now in the name of Jesus.  Be set free from the grip of Pan and his vices by the power of The Living God! 

Walk in faith-walk in the Word-walk in the Spirit! 
Don’t fall victim to the spirit of fear being purveyed upon the masses by the main stream media. They indeed have an agenda

“There shall no evil befall thee,

Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Psalms 91:10

#coronavirus #pandemic #COVID-19 #flu #faith #deliverance