The Reward of God


After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (‭Genesis‬ ‭15‬:‭1)

If the reward for seeking God was a million dollars and a Bentley-I could venture to guess the world would knock themselves over to get to God. 

However the reward for seeking God is not things or physical blessing. It is not even healing or answer to prayer.  

The reward for seeking after God is Jehovah Himself! 

The LORD declared to Abraham -I AM your exceeding great reward! 

Stop seeking God's hand and start seeking His face.  

He is not just your provider He is your provision! He is not just healer-He is healing! He is not just savior-He is salvation! 

In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy! 

When you learn to seek Him, you will find that the reward for seeking God is more of God. 

When you get to that place of seeking Him and being satisfied only with God and God alone- It's there that you find yourself abiding in Him and He in you. It's when that happens as Jesus said "When we abide in Him and He in us"-it's then and only then that he promised we could asked anything in His name He would do it. 

Quit seeking an anointing and start seeking the Anointer! Quit seeking miracles and start seeking the miracle worker- Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God- The King of Glory! 

I'm not satisfied with stories and testimonies  of what God has done, I am only satisfied with the God of those testimonies.  

Abraham was blessed because He sought God and God became His reward! 

#reward #seekJesus #Godisallyouneed #revivallifestyle #revivalfire


Power From Another World

“I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell.”  William Booth


Society stumbles struggling for a solution to ease its pain. With every stick of a drug addicts needle, with every trick turned by a prostitute, with every callous act of anger, with every slap of an abusive husband, with every extra dollar earned to purchase happiness. Society searches for a solution to calm its screaming conscience. Yet a permanent fix evades them.

Meanwhile the Church has been rocked to sleep in the lap of Delilah. For too long they have believed the liberal theologians that claim the God of the Bible has long ago retired himself with the death of the last Apostle. For too long have Christians lived with sickness racking their bodies, and addictions plaguing their lives. Supposedly 'born again' believers are flooding the divorce courts rending families in two.

Where is this God of the Bible you ask? Where have Paul's handkerchiefs and aprons gone.. Where has Peter's shadow gone.. Where have the 3,000 conversions in one day gone.. Where has holiness in the church gone..

In the midst of these dark times I have news for you my friend;  God still has a remnant of people. God has a people who long for a return to Pentecostal Power in the church. They long for the presence of the Holy Spirit in their Church services once again. Their heart cries out for a intimate relationship with their Redeemer.

What the Church needs is not ecumenical reform, its not another program or another seeker friendly function. What the Church needs is an old fashioned down pour of Holy Ghost power. What they need is the power of the Holy Ghost to baptize them in fire.

Jesus declared in  Acts 1:8 "And ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me.."

He said they would receive 'Power' after that the Holy Ghost has come upon them.. I'm not talking about some little just getting by power. I'm not talking about some little goose bump experience. I'm talking about 'POWER' that will wreck your life, wreck your city, wreck your home and wreck your world.

Power over devils.. Power over depravity.. Power over diseases..

I'm talking about a blind eye opening power. Wheel chair emptying power... Miracle working power.  I'm talking about power to live in holiness.. I'm talking about the Holy Ghost of God coming to dwell and take up residence inside you. I'm talking about the same God who walked on the water.. The same Jesus who set the Gadarene free.. The same God who spoke to the waters and said come this far and no farther. The same God who raised Lazarus from the dead. This same God who parted the Red Sea wants to make us His habitation through His Spirit living and dwelling in us.

Jesus said His disciples would receive power to be His witnesses. The Greek word for witnesses in this place of scripture is the word 'Martus'. This is the same word we get the English word martyr from.

Jesus declares the disciples would receive power to be witnesses. This word 'witnesses' means 'One who is a spectator of something' That word means to give evidence of the resurrection of Jesus.

What Jesus told them was that they would receive power to give 'evidence' of His resurrection. I'm talking about resurrection power! That same Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead wants to dwell in you.

God has ordained the fire baptized church of Jesus Christ to be the answer for a destitute world. I have come today to announce to the world that I have the cure to what ails America! Announcing that there is healing for your body... There is deliverance from the snare of drug addiction.. There is a cure for the ravaging disease of AIDS... There is a cure for cancer, And that cure is the power of the Holy Ghost!

God designed His church to be the hospital for a dying world. It's time to stop outsourcing what Jesus commanded us to cast out, what Jesus commanded us to heal.

God longs for His church to cry out for a fresh outpouring of this Holy Ghost power. He longs for a people who will take this power into their workplaces, into the hospitals, into the markets, into the devils back yard and announce with Resurrection Power... JESUS LIVES!!

This experience with God called the Baptism in the Holy Ghost is intended for all believers. God wants to set you on fire for Him..

Right now where ever you are, throw up your hands and declare.."Father..In the Name of Jesus Christ baptize me fresh with the Holy Ghost. Fill me with your mighty Spirit and set me on fire. Saturate me with power to give evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Make me a firebrand of revival!!"