"And those officers provided victual for king Solomon, and for all that came unto king Solomon’s table, every man in his month: they lacked nothing." 1 Kings 4:27
All who sat at Solomon's table, as long as they sat at his table. They lacked nothing.
As long as you sit at the King's table. You will lack nothing.
Having a place at the King's table implies 3 things.
1. Relationship- You don't get a seat at the King's table without being apart of the family. You cannot sit at this table unless you are in a covenant relationship with the King.
2. Fellowship- One major aspect of eating at a table with family is fellowship. When you are seated at the King's table you are in a place of fellowship with the the King. Intimate details are often shared at the dinner table. It is at this table of fellowship that conversation and relational speak is shared.
3. Eating and Drinking-The third thing that occurs at the King's table is the breaking of bread and eating. It is at this table which is spread before you, an array of nourishment intended to satisfy your deepest hunger. No one should leave the King's table still hungry.
At Solomon's table they lacked nothing. They walked away from Solomon's table stuffed. Completely satisfied. Nothing missing and nothing lacking.
Many people who struggle with sin are battling an appetite problem. It's a hunger problem. Your sin problem, your addiction, your vice, is an appetite problem.
The reason so many come in on Sunday and struggle through Saturday is because they are not getting full at the Kings table.
When you get really full you have no appetite for anything else.
Many struggle with sin because they've never experienced truly being full.
They leave the so called house of God in many cases having been fed a Tofu gospel which is no gospel at all.
Your not getting full! Your not being fed!
Your eating but it's not satisfying.
It makes them feel great on Sunday but by Monday it begins to wane.
They begin to seek out something to satisfy their craving.
My friend, nothing will satisfy you like Jesus. Come taste and see that the Lord is good!
When you eat at His table, He alone will satisfy your hunger.
Eat His presence, Eat His Word, Eat His bread!
God has spread a table before the world and He cries out "come and eat"!
Sit and eat at the table of King Jesus.
It is at this table we receive relationship with the King through salvation. It is at this table we receive fellowship with the Savior. It is at the table we receive the life nourishing food of His living Word.
God has ordained His church to serve the hungry and hurting from the King's table.
It is His table and His table alone that can satisfy the gnawing ache of a sin sick world.
So many are serving up a Jesus 'lite' and sugar free gospel.
The table of secular humanism may look appealing but will never satisfy.
The table of relativism is always leave you empty.
The table of moral decay will destroy you from the inside out.
Money can buy you a house but not a home.
Money can buy you a doctor but not guarantee you health.
It can buy you a woman but not a wife.
It's time to serve real meat! It's time to eat at the King's table!
When you decide to eat at the King's table. Your deciding to fellowship with Him. Your choosing to take a seat at His table of relationship. Your choosing to eat from the table of the living bread Himself.
Every man who came to King's table- lacked nothing!
That's your promise, it's your right.
Whatever you need, you can find it at the King's table.
If it's healing-find it there.
If it's deliverance-find it there.
If it's financial need-find it there.
If it's forgiveness-find it there.
If it's new life-find it there.
If it's salvation from sin- find it there.
If it's revival-find it there.
Whatever it is-find it there!
Get full today!