Praise Reports
As Chad MacDonald preaches the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through the anointing of the Holy Ghost many lives are touched and changed. Signs, wonders and miracles are wrought through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The sick are healed, the bound are set free, and lives are changed by an encounter with the Holy Ghost.
Below are just a few of the numerous testimonies of God's miracle working power manifested through this ministry. If you have a praise report, we want to hear from you!
A prayer cloth was sent to a lady with stage 4 cancer and when she returned to her doctor to have a PET scan run...the cancer was GONE. Even though the doctor claimed this was the most aggressive case he had ever seen. It was no match for the power of God.
One young lady full of cancerous tumors received a complete healing as they supernaturally disappeared in front of her doctors very eyes.
Recently a woman who has suffered for over 25 years; racked with pain from the bondage of Fibromyalgia was instantly and gloriously healed through the power of God.
A young 13 year old crippled from infancy and in a wheel chair was healed through the power of Jesus name and walked without leg braces for the first time in 13 years.
A young woman suffering from severe pain in her jaw was instantly healed and free from pain.
A gentleman suffering from diabetes received a touch from the Lord.
One woman received healing in her lungs in the name of Jesus.
A spinal condition was gloriously healed through the power of the Lord.
One gentleman reported that the pain in his sciatic nerve left immediately as Brother MacDonald rebuked the same condition in the woman next to him.
A man afflicted with years of severe insomnia and torment was delivered instantly through the power of God
A young man suffering from demonic bondage was delivered from spirits of addiction, the occult and witchcraft in the name of Jesus.
An individual suffering from severe depression and suicidal oppression was delivered instantly through the name of Jesus.
One woman bound by years of severe pain throughout her body and legs received a miraculous healing instantly.
One gentleman in desperate need of a financial breakthrough reported that only days later after having been prayed for received a $7700 miracle.
A man still under the influence of alcohol wandered into the service intoxicated and was instantly sobered and delivered from spirits of addiction by the power of God.
A young demoniac teenage girl was thrown into convulsions, suffering from evil spirits and was gloriously delivered through the name of Jesus Christ.
One gentleman with blindness in an eye was instantly healed and received his sight after many years.
In meetings across America countless scores of people bound by drug addiction have been gloriously delivered from the bondage of addiction by the power of God.
So many more have been healed and received miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit.
"With God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26
Many, many more have been healed and delivered through the power of God!
Praise be to God forever, for great things He has done!
So many others have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and have been forever changed by an encounter with the true living God.
If God has touched you through the ministry of Evangelist MacDonald in any way; we would love to hear from you and rejoice with you!