Process and Product Some fruit require a longer ‘time’ in the process stage before they can be considered ‘product’. If the farmer were to bypass this God given process of ‘ripening’ and pick the fruit early if could be disastrous. The fruit may not taste as God intended and in some cases could even make you sick. Process and Product in the Kingdom function much in the same manner. Often those in ‘process’ if not careful can grow impatient. A spirit of comparison then sets in and the individual opens the door to possibly short circuiting their ‘ripening’ or ‘process’ stage. The truth is, is that ‘process’ is often uncomfortable. It doesn’t feel good. It can be scary and believe me, it will stretch you! Don’t allow yourself to fall into comparison towards those who have endured process. Walk out the season where you are. The same God of the product is also the God of the process. Don’t despise the process. Trust God. The very fact you are in a process is a prophecy to the purpose and a destiny on your life. -Consider bamboo- There is a type of Chinese bamboo that when first planted produces nothing visible for the first 4 years... Can you imagine the frustration? Checking your seed every day for 4 years and seeing nothing.. However, while nothing was growing visibly for the first 4 years there was something growing deep below the surface during that time. When the bamboo seed hits its 5th year, a miracle happens, it begins to grow exponentially and by the end of that year can tower over 90 feet tall! Wow!!! You took 4 years of process to build a root system that would properly support the growth that was destined to come in year 5. What many of you are going through right now is a Supernatural process that will prepare you for the exponential growth God has destined for you in the near future. Don’t short circuit that process through fear, doubt and comparison. Trust God where you are and walk out your calling wherever you are. As you are faithful to do that, God will give the increase.