Overweight Christians

Overweight Christians


I'm so tired of constantly hearing about how 'the devil' is doing this or that or attacking you this way or that way.

It's as if the devil is a school yard bully who constantly is shaking some Christians down for lunch money on a daily basis.


This ought not be so!


I'm not looking for the person who wakes up and immediately begins to bemoan the calamity the devil has planned for them. 

I'm interested in finding a fire baptized believer who when the moment their eyes pop open in the morning and feet hit the ground, every devil shrieks with anxiety. 


You're not called to perpetually have your spiritual lunch money stolen.  In fact you're called to be the one who is stealing the devil's lunch money and eating his sandwich. 


James 4:7 thunders, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."


The word in this instance for resist does not mean to passively resist. It does not mean you're supposed to be the only one receiving blows. It does not mean to just hold on and if you will endure, eventually the devil will give up and move on. 


The word for resist here means to violently assault. To oppose in the same manner a Greek wrestler or Roman soldier would go to battle.

Actually it has another meaning as well..

It means to outweigh!


It is always dangerous to go up against a fighter that outweighs you. 


In boxing and wrestling, fighters are routinely weighed before a bout to ensure that the heavier warrior does not have an unfair advantage. To be hit with the full force and strength of the much heavier fighter can have devastating effects.


It's good to be overweight!


In fact you outweigh the devil!


Do you not realize that "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world".

Do you not realize that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit you have a distinct fighting advantage!


It's time to get off your rear ends and put your foot on the neck of the devil.

You can't loose! You have all the weight of heaven on your side!


It's time to get off that spiritual vegan diet and put on some weight!

You born for the fight and destined for victory!




Go and Possess The Land


Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged. (Deuteronomy‬ ‭1‬:‭21)

The command of the Lord here is seemingly simple. 'Go and possess it'

God had set the land as an inheritance before the children of Israel and simply declared "It belongs to you- Go, occupy and plant yourself there" 

You know the story however of what occurred next. 

The children of Israel sent spies into the Land to assess the strength of the people who lived there. The spies came back and reported to the Israelites: 'It's a beautiful and wonderfully prosperous land but not so fast- Did you see the size of those guys they declared...'

"And ye murmured in your tents, and said, Because the Lord hated us, he hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us. Whither shall we go up? our brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there"(‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭1‬:‭27-28‬ KJV)

All of a sudden fear and unbelief had crept in. Instead of moving into the land in obedience to the command of God the people rebelled against the word of the Lord through unbelief.  

Did God tell them it would always be easy? No! 

In fact God told them to go and possess the land but He also commanded them not to fear and not to be discouraged. God understood that there would be some foes in that land that may strike fear in the hearts of ordinary individuals, but these were not to be ordinary individuals moving to possess this land. 

These were the chosen people of God and the LORD Himself declared that He would be with them. 

How soon had these people forgotten of the delivering power of Jehovah that broke the yoke of pharaoh from off their backs.

How soon had they forgotten of the miraculous parting of the Red Sea. 

How soon had they forgotten of the tangible power and presence of the Most High that led them daily as a pillar of fire by night and cloud by day.  

They had refused to see with the eyes  of faith. They had refused to see through the eyes of the 'promise'. Rather, they chose to view things through the eyesight of rationalization and the lens of doubt. 

Sure the occupants of that land were fierce. 

Sure they were ferocious. 

Sure they were Giants and their cities were heavily fortified. 

In fact the spies returned and struck panic and fear in the hearts of the people as they declared that 'they were as grasshoppers in the sight of the Giants'. 

Unbelief and doubt soon spread like cancer. 

The people began to turn on God and harbor resentment. 

They began to spiral into depression as they murmured and began to accuse God of bringing them there to die. 

They allowed the word of men to trump the word of God. 

God Himself had declared that He was going to fight for them. 

If God is for you, who can be against you? 

God has commanded you to 'Go and possess the land'. 

So I ask, what Giants are in your way?

What things seem to tower over your circumstances and cause you to lose hope and thus lose faith? 

Your present circumstances are not greater than your promise. Your promise is greater than your present. 

Don't look at your dilemma or your adversary through the natural eyes. 

Look at it through the lens of the word of God. 

What did God say?

If God said it then He will do it! 

Arise in faith and go possess the land! The battle is not yours but the Lord's. 

Stumble not at the promise through unbelief but stand in faith and be steadfast. 


Don't Count Me Out

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Gen 1:1-2


It was here in the darkness and chaos that ensued the Spirit of God literally moved upon the face of the darkness. It was here in the chaos of a fallen world after creation that it seemed bleakness would prevail. But here in the midst of the darkness the Spirit of God began to move. Something began to happen….

The darkness of your life, your need, your situation is about to be moved upon by the Spirit of God! God is about to move in your situation.

It may be bleak right now.

The doctors may have looked at you and said you have to die and cannot live.

 Perhaps your spouse has walked out on you.

Maybe your children have walked away from God.

Perhaps it’s financial.

 It might even be discouragement and confusion flashing through your mind.

But whatever it is-

It’s about to meet with a God with which it cannot contend!

The Spirit of God is about to move in your situation.

The actual Hebrew word translated ‘moved’ in this scripture is more accurately translated ‘brooded’ or ‘hovered’. Much in the same sense that a mother eagle broods over her eggs to bring life, it was here in the midst of cataclysmic darkness that the Spirit of God began to brood over the face of the deep.

Like an eagle, the Holy Spirit began to hover over creation and bring life. When an eagle broods over her eggs she completely sets herself down on top of them, she envelopes them completely in order to incubate those eggs until they are ready to burst forth with life.

 I hear God saying in your situation; “Life is about to burst forth!”

Can you hear it as faith begins to rise in your heart?

I don’t know what kind of darkness and disaster you may be faced with but the Spirit of God is about to begin to brood over you.

 He is about to set down over your family, your health, your mind, your children, your finances.

He is about to cover you with His wings and begin to incubate you until your miracle is ready to be birthed.

Your miracle is on the way! I know it may look dark. It may seem impossible- But not with God, for with God all things are possible.

The bleakness and chaos of your circumstances is just the incubation chamber for that which the Spirit of God will birth your miracle from!