Portals and Pentecost

I feel the breath of Pentecost…

Never before have I been more prophetically moved in anticipation of what we are about to step into at Shavuot this year. There is a significant moving in the second heaven in this season. As we have stepped out of a most kairos Passover and are now in the season of counting the Omer.  This is the time to purify your heart, your conscience, your motives, your vision, your associations and every area of your life. This is the time to be moved with expectancy- While the world is reeling in panic and fear. God is calling a remnant to walk in power and demonstration.  This year during Pentecost, the Father has put angelic forces on assignment and a great portal is being opened in the earth.  Everything in this season will be focused on harvest- If your vision, your focus, your purpose has not been on the harvest. Now is the time to align yourself with heaven-

We are about to step through a portal and experience the greatest revelation of the glory of God ever poured out upon this planet.  



2019- Prophetic Release- Access and Intervention

2019 Prophetic Release!

About a month ago, The Lord began to reveal to me His word for 2019. 
After praying around 1:30am I returned to bed and before getting in bed I saw the shadow outline of a giant key (Old skeleton key), the outline covered the entire length of the bedroom window. As I saw it, I heard The Lord say ‘Behold I give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven’ 
I again heard the Lord say, ‘Didn’t I say I would do it- Behold I give you the keys to the Kingdom and whatever you bind is bound and loose is loosed’

I believe this is a prophetic indicator of a new season and new year of open doors and victories. In this year we must line up our speaking with our believing. I believe the ‘key’ is in our mouth.

The year 2019 is the year 5779 on the ancient Hebraic calendar- There is prophetic significance to this.

Intervention of God __ 
The Lord is showing me that this new year will be signified by the fullness of the number 9. 
The number 9 represents the divine moving of The Spirit of God (for example there are 9 gifts of the Spirit and 9 fruit) 
This year prophetically will be a year of the supernatural moving of God and His power on our behalf. This will be a year of Supernatural access (represented by the key) it will be a year where God moves sovereignly. This will be a year where you won’t need to do it yourself but the divine moving of God will intervene on your behalf-in your family, your ministry, your finances etc. 
This is going to be a year, where The Holy Spirit begins to move in power in His church once again There will be a marked increase in the operation of the power gifts of The Spirit (signs, wonders and miracles). The easing of the dead, creative miracles etc. 
The number 9 also carries a reference to judgment. 
2019 will also be a year where God moves to judge demon power and it’s schemes operating in our life. There will be a confrontation between the power of God and witchcraft operations that had been allowed to go seemingly unchecked in the previous season. 
Not any longer! 
In 2019, those who are opposing the plan of God in your life and in the life of His church will hear not from you, but rather from God in 2019. 
This will be a year where God begins to move to purge out the leaven in our lives and in His church.

In 2019 there will be a shifting in the spiritual tectonic plates and this will manifest physically in earthquake and natural disasters. This is not the judgment of God but rather evidence of the warfare surrounding this season. Pray saints!

Iran- in 2019 I see God moving upon the schemes of the Iranian regime. There is going to be a significant dealing with in regards to iran. In the same way they have sought to oppress and afflict my people so shall I afflict them. Some sort of military confrontation is coming. Pray!

North Korea- The will be a revealing of the hidden. As for Kim Jong Un , I have seen the oppressive hand he has dealt against my people, my church. I will have North Korea and my gospel shall be preached there. As you have moved against my people, I will move against you. 
Saints, look to see a serious shift in North Korea. Pray!

AFRICA- I see a discovery of natural resources previously hidden that will be uncovered. God says when you see that know that I am also moving to reveal the riches of my glory across that continent.

Haiti- There are sinister forces that have been plotting a coup for the past several months- I see President Jovenel Moïse in turmoil but pray that he endures and remains. There will be revival in Haiti- spiritually, economically, politically. Contend for her in prayer.

This is a season where God is calling His people to greater intimacy. God desires you to walk in Supernatural access in this year and doing so will require a complete submission to His will. This is the year of ‘The moving of God’ Are you ready?

When God Gets The Last Word



And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. (‭Exodus‬ ‭5‬:‭2‬ KJV)

This secular humanistic world in which we live today resounds in lock step with the words of Pharaoh. Just as the Egyptian King scoffed at the words of God's Prophet. So scoffs a wicked and debased world today as it defies God and declares "Who is the Lord that I should obey Him- I neither know Him nor consider Him"

As a demonized and depraved society reels in defiance of The Living God what will the church do?

 Will she compromise? 

Will she allow her voice to fall silent in compromise? 

Moses returned to the Lord after being dismissed by Pharaoh and began to rehearse the scolding heaped upon him. God however was not impressed!

The response from the King of Glory billowed forth "Now you are about to see what I will do to Pharaoh- and I am about to multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt!!" Ex 6:1, Ex 7:3

Jehovah thundered-"And all of Egypt shall know that I am the Lord" Ex 7:5

I've got good news for you church! The world will not get the last word. The Holy Spirit is speaking now and God is about to multiply His signs and wonders on the head of Pharaoh and all of Egypt shall know that Jesus is Lord. American shall know, the world shall know!

The world may be defying God and declaring "Who is the Lord" but God Himself is about to reply and all shall know that He alone is Lord! 

Revival my friend is not just coming, it's here! All across this planet the power of God is being poured out and it is about shake the very foundations of darkness. 

As America retorts "Who is the Lord?" 

God is responding "You are about to find out!"