"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" Luke11:13
The power of God had fallen and people were strewn all over the place. Many had just been delivered from devils of addiction and now laid incapacitated under the power of the Holy Spirit.
A steady stream of hungry people continued to come one after the other to the altar as God met needs with His supply.
The sick were healed, the bound were set free and people were being powerfully baptized in the Holy Ghost as they quaked under His mighty power.
The glory of God was so thick and we were truly under an open heaven.
I turned around to pray for the next individual that had come to the altar and was face to face with a gentlemen who had the look of desperation on his face.
"What can The Lord do for you?" I asked him..
He responded to me and announced that he was afraid to seem selfish but that He wanted more of God.
He said "There just has to be more...I want more"
"You don't think that's selfish of me to ask do you?"
I smiled at the gentleman, looked him in the eye and said..
"Sir you won't bankrupt heaven, there's plenty to go around"
"Are you ready?"I asked
He nodded 'Yes'
"Well receive it then!"
And in an instant...as soon as my hand made contact with his head, he was overwhelmed by the glory of God!
This gentleman suddenly found himself out on his back,speaking in an unknown tongue as he had been instantly and powerfully baptized in the Holy Spirit!
Soon after, someone walked over to me and said..
"Do you know who that man is?"
"Which man?"
"The older gentleman over there laid out under the power of God, the one speaking in tongues.."
"No who is it" I asked
"It's the Methodist preacher from down the road!!" He responded
That night God filled a hungry Methodist Pastor with the Holy Ghost! It was so glorious!
This gentleman wasn't even sure what he was asking for that night.
All he knew, was that he wanted 'more' and church as usual was no longer going to satisfy his hunger.
There was indeed something more and he was not going to be refused.
God always satisfies the heart that is hungry for more of Him.
Don't listen to the lies of the religious devils that use words like 'good enough' or that tell you it's selfish to want more of God.
Press in!
Be filled with the Holy Spirit!
Let the glory of God overwhelm you as you refuse to accept the status quo of mundane living.