How To Be Led By The Spirit- The Secret To Praying In Tongues

When you constantly allow yourself to be led by what you see, hear and feel, you will find yourself handcuffed to fear unable to break into the blessing of true Spirit filled living.

If you truly want to see the power of God operate in your life, you must be totally submitted to being led by the Holy Spirit. You must be determined to walk by faith and not by sight.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Stop governing your life by what you see in the natural realm. Don’t be moved by what you see, be moved only by what you believe.

Understand this…that the supernatural realm-the unseen spiritual realm, is even more real than the temporal natural realm you observe and live in every day. In the Kingdom of God, the supernatural should be natural.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Faith is not just a verb, it’s a noun. Faith is a substance. It is the literal evidence of that which is unseen.

So while walking in, by and of faith we understand that true faith doesn’t create. True faith reaches from the natural realm into the unseen realm and accesses what already exists in the heavens.

Unfortunately, so many christians never fully walk in the full potential that Christ provided for them. They live a life trapped by the philosophies of men and bound by a system of fear.

Many times I'm asked after I return from an international crusade. "Why does it seem that more miracles happen in places like Africa.."

 The answer to this has nothing to do with geographical boundaries. The power of God is not bound by geopolitical boundaries. 

God is only bound by your ability to believe Him.

In America it has become too convenient to not have to trust God.

I often reply to those asking this question, in Africa they have the 'Great Commission' - In America we have the 'Great Prescription'

If you want to truly access the supernatural power of God. You must learn to hunger for the word of God. Spend time in prayer. Turn everything else off and get in turn with Holy Spirit.

“I want to talk with the utmost frankness and say to you, that tongues have been the making of my ministry. It is that peculiar communication with God when God reveals to my soul the truth I utter to you day by day in the ministry. Many times, I climb out of bed, take my pencil and pad, and jot down the beautiful things of God, the wonderful things of God that He talks out in my spirit and reveals to my heart.” John G. Lake

John Lake was one of greatest generals of faith and power to walk in the body of Christ in centuries.
This was a man who operated in the miracle working power of God so strongly that during an outbreak of plague in Africa he held a handful of infected vomit to prove that the virus would die on contact with his hand.
As he held the specimen up before the doctor, the medical professional couldn’t believe what he was seeing!

The doctor would record that the very plague did indeed die instantly upon contact with John’s body.

The anointing that Brother Lake walked in was directly proportionate to his determination to pray fervently in the Holy Ghost on a daily basis.

When I prepare to preach, as is my custom I usually fast for three days prior to the meetings. However, I make specific effort to pray extendedly in the Holy Spirit. Often for hours during the day I will pray in tongues. This is truly the secret to walking in the power of God.

If you have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Ghost. This is promised to all believers who will seek it.

This is one of the greatest keys to walking in the supernatural.

The key to your breakthrough is directly tied to your ability to pray fervently in the Holy Ghost.

The Coming Awakening


The Coming Awakening

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. (Isaiah 60:2-3 KJV)

While I am grieved at the recent decision to legislate perversion and homosexual marriage, I rest assured that God will have the final word.

The Lord spoke to me not long ago when He declared "I will not be outmatched.."

We are on the brink of a third great awakening in this nation. This coming awakening is going to prophetically shake this nation and it will radically alter the culture of society. 

In order for light to shine the brightest there must be darkness.

The remnant church now has a choice. 

They can wallow in misery and bemoan the recent Supreme Court ruling or they can occupy the Kingdom with power. 

We can lie down or we can rise up infused and infected with Holy Ghost power and impose the Kingdom of Christ. 

Understand that this ruling has set some things in motion spiritually. 

This is how the wheat and the chaff will be identified.

Who will stand boldly and who will cower in a corner. 

Often the greatest moves of God were birthed in the delivery room of persecution. 

While the world your bible declares will be cloaked in darkness and deep darkness the people. The Lord Himself is about to arise upon His church and His glory shall be seem upon thee. 

The tangible manifest presence of God shall soon rest upon the remnant  fire baptized church and the glory of The Lord shall be seen upon his church in power. 

There is a revival coming the likes of which shall make the book of acts look like a Sunday school picnic at the local Presbyterian church. 

There is about to be a move of God that will cause this nation to take notice. Creative miracles and signs and wonders shall follow this church. There will be deliverance at an untold level from demon power. 

The very gates of hell shall not prevail against this outpouring. 

This awakening will completely rattle the darkness and multitudes will surrender in repentance. 

As the prophet Isaiah declares "that the Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightness of thy rising." This move of God will usher in even those who previously had no covenant relationship or knowledge of God and it will also rock those in positions of authority. 

Jesus is not coming back for a church with less than what He left. 

#revivalfire #startafire #imposetheKingdom #wewin

Don't Count Me Out

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Gen 1:1-2


It was here in the darkness and chaos that ensued the Spirit of God literally moved upon the face of the darkness. It was here in the chaos of a fallen world after creation that it seemed bleakness would prevail. But here in the midst of the darkness the Spirit of God began to move. Something began to happen….

The darkness of your life, your need, your situation is about to be moved upon by the Spirit of God! God is about to move in your situation.

It may be bleak right now.

The doctors may have looked at you and said you have to die and cannot live.

 Perhaps your spouse has walked out on you.

Maybe your children have walked away from God.

Perhaps it’s financial.

 It might even be discouragement and confusion flashing through your mind.

But whatever it is-

It’s about to meet with a God with which it cannot contend!

The Spirit of God is about to move in your situation.

The actual Hebrew word translated ‘moved’ in this scripture is more accurately translated ‘brooded’ or ‘hovered’. Much in the same sense that a mother eagle broods over her eggs to bring life, it was here in the midst of cataclysmic darkness that the Spirit of God began to brood over the face of the deep.

Like an eagle, the Holy Spirit began to hover over creation and bring life. When an eagle broods over her eggs she completely sets herself down on top of them, she envelopes them completely in order to incubate those eggs until they are ready to burst forth with life.

 I hear God saying in your situation; “Life is about to burst forth!”

Can you hear it as faith begins to rise in your heart?

I don’t know what kind of darkness and disaster you may be faced with but the Spirit of God is about to begin to brood over you.

 He is about to set down over your family, your health, your mind, your children, your finances.

He is about to cover you with His wings and begin to incubate you until your miracle is ready to be birthed.

Your miracle is on the way! I know it may look dark. It may seem impossible- But not with God, for with God all things are possible.

The bleakness and chaos of your circumstances is just the incubation chamber for that which the Spirit of God will birth your miracle from!