As I survey the landscape of much of the church and the nation as a whole, it seems that panic and fear has paralyzed many. How is this possible, I ask myself. While I cannot blame those outside of the church for giving into pandemonium and panic. There is an indictment surely to be levied against those who claim to possess the truth of the gospel. The greatest threat to the body of Christ and even our nation, is not the #Wuhan or #Coronavirus. The greatest threat comes from nominal Christianity. We live in an era when vast segments of supposed believers don’t even know the word of God. If asked, they probably couldn’t even name all 66 books of the Bible. Let alone have large portions of scripture memorized and etched into their souls. Truly sad. For many, the only time they even hear a scripture is possibly on a Sunday morning. And that is even if they happen to attend a church that actually preaches from the Bible. It’s quite to contrast when you consider Islam. In Islam most actually spend time memorizing large portions of the Koran. In fact many actually have memorized the entire book. How disciplined they are, and they don’t even possess absolute truth. We possess the Holy Scripture-God breathed and inerrant word of Almighty God. Yet we consider it so flippantly. So today I challenge you, in the midst of a society propagating fear. Get the word of God on the inside of you. Memorize it. Cherish it. Declare it. Believe it. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit and it is your very weapon to wield against every spirit, onslaught, calamity, trial, and tribulation that may assail you. The word of God will not fail! Learn it. Jesus said... “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63